Tobacco-Colored World

This morning I woke up to a tobacco-colored world.
Looking north from my home
The air outside is ten times worse than anything I encountered in Los Angeles.
Looking south from my home
Our county has asked us to remain indoors because the air quality is dangerous.
My back yard this morning
This is what my area usually looks like
on an otherwise clear, non-rainy day!
My goats can’t come in, nor can the multitudes of cattle, horses, alpaca, llamas, chickens and wildlife that call this county (or any other county on the entire west coast who are facing the same disaster) home…
I reckon Armageddon looks like this…
I don’t believe in Armageddon, just to be clear. But I do believe in the human capacity to destroy life on this planet, including our own.
But the thing that chaps my hide is that the powers that be (and too many of us) are taking so many other creatures right along with us in our headstrong rush to have more and better and to deplete the earth of its natural mineral resources.
Well, now we’re reaping what we sow. Mother Nature is afire here on the west coast. And Trump refuses to send federal help because we’re supposedly all a bunch of libtards who won’t be able to vote against him this year if we all die in smoke, flames and ashes. He doesn’t realize that my sister and her son live here, too, along with plenty of other Trump cultists of the highest order. When he’s committing democide, he doesn’t appear to be too choosy about collateral damage, does he?
So we burn up while he plays golf and lines his pockets while his confederates consign billions of our tax dollars to the already rich among us…
The entire population of Easter Island perished forever because of their shortsightedness and rapacity. They squandered their natural resources until there were none left, and there was nowhere else they knew about to go.
We exist on a mighty small island, my friends. Island Earth. There is no Planet B; this is it.
It’s hard to deny we’re destroying Mother Earth right now… and ourselves.
Greedy people, corrupt and ignorant politicians in high places, and our own selfishness are contributing factors.
Nearly 200,000 people are dead (and the body count will probably double within months) here in the U.S. because of a pandemic that has been ostracized and mishandled from the get-go from the (present) “Offal Office.”
(Again, unless he, Kushner and others are calculatedly performing democide. If they aren’t doing it intentionally, they’re doing it because they’re criminally stupid or insane. In either instance, they should be removed from their offices and banned from further actions.)
I went to Albertson’s early this morning to shop for a few essentials; there were at least two customers walking around there with no masks. No masks, period – not under their chins or below their noses. No masks at all. A young man and a woman.
One of them, who ended up immediately behind me in the checkout line, apologized to the cashier as I departed, saying she’d left her mask in the car, knowing full well that the checker would forgive the breach ” this time, but no more,” knowing she wouldn’t send her after it because doing so would slow down the line.
I’m so sick of it. By this time in the pandemic, a mask should be as second nature as one’s keys and wallet; there is no excuse, unless the shopper is a Trump-loving “COVIDIOT” who stubbornly refuses to be a law-abiding citizen any time they’re out and about in public, although they are hellbent on everyone else towing the “Law and Order” line. They’re fucking hypocrites!!!
If 2020 hasn’t been a YUGE wake-up call that we need massive, systemic change at the federal level, I don’t know what other catastrophe will bring it about.
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