Let No Day Dawn that the Animals Cannot Share
'Let No Day Dawn that the Animals Cannot Share' spotlights humankind's deeply-rooted emotional, cultural, ethical and spiritual bonds to the animal kingdom, wild and domestic, and identifies areas where we've fallen short of our stewardship duties for scores of precious and irreplaceable fellow creatures.
The author has been an animal behaviorist, trainer, caretaker and advocate for decades and shares her most humorous and poignant tales from these intensely-rewarding inter-species interactions.
Enhancing the volume to a point of utter magnificence are illustrations by Emese Dian whose love of her subjects is evident in every rendition. Each drawing carries the essence of her subjects, breathing life into two-dimensional pages.
And if you want to stay up-to-date with Kris's animal-related antics, subscribe to KrisandKritters.com, where the fun never ends!