Two New Writing Clients Want Me Long-Term

Two New Writing Clients Want Me Long-Term
This week I landed two long-term writing clients after blowing them away with copy I wrote for them.
(BTW, they’re great providers in their niches, too! Check them out!)
Here are two reviews/testimonials from Dax Hamman, CEO of Fireside Group LLC
Ad Copywriter 5.00* Dec 22, 2020
“Two projects in 3 days, both some of the best copy I have received. Great work, easy to work with.” – Dax Hamman, Fireside Group LLC
Sales landing page copy for B2B info product 5.00* Dec 20, 2020 – Dec 22, 2020
“I wish I had Kris’s words to describe this project 🙂 It was a great experience. We are going to put a lot of $ into ad campaigns to this page and so we wanted really great copy to make that as valuable for us as it can be. It was a fast and smooth process, and I am already hiring him again to write the ads to go with it.” – Dax Hamman, Fireside Group LLC
NOTE: 5.00 is the highest available rating at Upwork
As a result of impressing Mr. Hamman, he has recommended me to his wife (who also has a business and a client who needs a landing page), and he says he has other clients who will need my services, too.
So, 2021 should be a banner year for me, with three long-term clients (including Teryl McLane of my beloved Scholastic Book Fairs, who I’ve served for almost five years now!) and the folks that they can send my way. Which means I can spend less time looking for clients and pitching to them (I usually find one offs at Upwork, so work search has taken more of my time than actual writing has for 12 years… arghhhh!!! agonizing!!!) and more time doing what I do best: stringing words together to best effect. ZOWIE!
The other client is the owner of Fuego Cloud, an a-may-zing 3D wooden puzzle company in Texas. Take a look at their cornucopia of puzzles for kids above 12 through adults of all ages.
I wrote a landing page for him whose target audience is “parents and grandparents with teenage digital zombies,” kids whose heads and noses are always planted in some digital device.
He asked me to grab their heartstrings and get them to help shake their kids/grandkids loose from their digital devices to put 3Dwooden puzzles together as a way to reconnect with them on a one-to-one basis and hopefully start a new tradition that will last beyond their lifetimes as a part of their legacy of love and connection.
Those of us who grew up before digital devices were ubiquitous remember how we bonded over common games and tasks, and the precious memories that those times left us. That’s what this fellow wanted me to evince in their minds if they’re missing the same kind of interaction with their descendants.
When I finished that task, he asked if I could write targeted email sequences, too, and I said, “You bet!” I sent him a few examples of some I’d written for other clients. Then Christmas Eve and Christmas intervened, so I’m waiting to hear back from him about moving forward on that front. He also hasn’t written me a testimonial yet, so I prompted him to do that after the holidays. I know he’s happy as a clam, or he wouldn’t be asking me if I can do other kinds of writing…
I’m very excited to add these two clients to my roster of long-term clients. I don’t need a lot of them to reduce my work search hours, so every one I get makes me deliriously happy. To get two in a single week is a huge stroke of good fortune. I’m delighted and looking forward to great collaborations with both of them.
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