ATT’N VOTERS & NON-VOTERS: “Democracy in Chains” Is a MUST READ

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Here, in an understandable, easy-to-read form, is the hidden history of how we got this close to unconquerable oligarchy without being made any the wiser.
Here is how a cadre of individuals, working behind closed doors (because they knew their goals were anathema to the vast majority of the voting and non-voting public) managed to take over law, local, state and federal governments, the airwaves, and every other venue that directly influences the weakness or hardiness of democracy.
To the villains in this history, democracy itself (government by, of and for the people by majority rule) was and is the problem.
We the People are the mortal enemies of their nefarious schemes
And the real problem is this: we have a terrifyingly short time left during which their plans can be foiled. At some point very soon–they have the systems and processes almost completely in place—our wants, needs and votes won’t even matter. The moneyed few will be completely in charge of our lives, with the ability to silence, enslave, starve and even kill those of us who disagree with their supremacy. (Think this is hyperbole? The historian who wrote Democracy in Chains would beg to differ, as would the primary source materials she explored minutely, compiled by the initial mastermind behind it all, which show the clandestine efforts that have been made for the past forty plus years to bring about democracy’s demise.)
By reading this book, moderate Republicans will finally understand how the party was invaded and subsumed by racist Southerners whose “voodoo economic” theories were never proven, only promulgated and popularized by zealous, carefully selected shills and drones. Later on, when David and Charles Koch (The “Kochtopus”) got wind of the early successes won by these folks, they “bought in” and started funding voodoo economics think tanks and far right-wing political candidates and operatives who would espouse and lobby for their so-called “libertarian” (a bastardization of the term, if ever there was one) agenda.
This book will keep you up at night long after reading it. But that isn’t the author’s intention. The intention is to turn your paradigm shift into non-stop, zealous political action.
For without YOUR help (Yes, YOURS, no matter which political party you’re in or even if you’re in none of them and don’t vote yet), democracy is doomed. The oligarchs will win. And it will take an actual bloody revolution to get it back.
The danger is real and it’s here right now. Unless democracy-loving people from all sides of the political spectrum read this book and get involved RIGHT NOW to head off at the pass the Kochs and their single-minded minions, there will be no turning back. Time is short and the water rises…
Don’t believe me?
Read DEMOCRACY IN CHAINS and you will.
Refuse to read it and reap the whirlwind for your progeny and all who come after you.
If you’re an American, you owe it to yourself to pull the wool away from your eyes and discover what has been going on behind closed doors–and why you’re struggling as much as you are right now to be heard, to make ends meet, and to live happily ever after.
Think government is the problem? It will be if you buy into the rhetoric and accept the oligarchs’ views as facts. Their values and goals are in direct opposition to most Americans’.
Enough is enough!
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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!
I will look into it.