“Deeply Troubling” is an Understatement

Pussyfooted Republican Senator Liz Cheney (Dick Cheney’s daughter—that figures!) just called the present, short-term White House Occupant’s call to the Georgia Secretary of State to “find 11,000 votes” (after the count had been done three times and the votes certified) “deeply troubling.”
Deeply troubling ‽‽‽
“Deeply troubling” is an understatement by light years.
What the Orange Cheetoh just perpetrated was an attempt to get another official to engage in voter tampering!
Messing with cast ballots is illegal in multiple courts of law in Georgia and pretty much everywhere else–local, state and federal.
Noon January 20th can’t come soon enough for me. And even before that day and hour, the scourge in the White House ought to be put in a straitjacket and carted off to an insane asylum if he truly believes that his hour-long call was “perfect” — the same thing he deemed the call that attempted to strongarm the leader of Ukraine last year, the action that got him impeached but not removed from office because of scared-shitless toadies of Trump who know his unbridled lust for revenge has zero boundaries.
He truly believes that whatever he does is legit. He has no conscience, no ethics, no morals, no empathy. no compassion. He’s an empty vessel filled only with himself and maybe Ivanka. All else that he causes to occur around him is collateral damage, unworthy of his time or attention.
He will, no doubt in my mind, go down in history as the loser he is and always has been. It’s just that nobody had the balls to tell him he’s a loser until the election on November 3rd, 2020. The American People told him…and he simply cannot put on his big boy knickers and own up to it.
A crybaby loser to the end…
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