Back to “Square One” The REAL Michael Jackson Story

Last night I watched “Square One: New Evidence in Michael Jackson Allegations” which was the exact opposite of what I was expecting (and dreading) to see.
It confirmed my suspicions 100%.
To be clear: I never believed the sexual predator/pedophilia allegations against Michael Jackson.
So when I saw a blurb called “Square One:New Evidence in Michael Jackson Allegations” about the matter, I avoided it like the plague, not wanting to be proven wrong, or even led in that direction.
But morbid curiosity wouldn’t let me off that easily.
As it turns out, the documentary was just what I needed to confirm my belief about Michael’s innocence. It was quite a relief.
But it also made me despise and want justice meted out against the greedy bastard who orchestrated the lie. His son, whose forced and false allegation against Jackson is what started the ball rolling, ended up committing suicide shortly after Michael died and years after he had liberated himself from his conniving bastard of a father.
I won’t cover all the ground that is covered in the documentary–you can watch it above when you have 90 minutes to spare–but it’s a rock-solid rebuttal of every allegation of child abuse by every so-called “expert” in the matter.
I’m left with a deep sadness that a kind, loving, doting, blameless man like Michael Jackson had to be dragged through the mud-slinging and the body searches that were required to exonerate him, and that he left this earth knowing he was innocent but that many others still considered him guilty.
It had to be an excruciating existence.
He gave up The Neverland Ranch where so many thousands of children had gathered with him to be kids, knowing that it’s continued existence would continue to feed the frenzy of feckless reporters and add to the potential for additional claims to be made by the parents of children who sought not justice but money.
I knew someone who was very close to Michael Jackson. She said he was the sweetest, most innocent, most respectful and child-like adult she had ever known. She adored him. She was literally sickened by the allegations against him, knowing they were patently false.
I’m a pretty darned good judge of character; my gut instinct about men and women is usually scarily spot on. Although I never met him, I sensed that Michael Jackson was a kid-at-heart through and through–a kid at the still-innocent stage–despite all of the stuff he saw and heard going on around him in the entertainment industry as one of the Jackson Five brood. He was like De (and me) in that way: he could be in the world but not of the world.
Michael Jackson deserved nothing but applause, love, our thanks, and accolades. But cruel, conniving, callous people just couldn’t keep their greedy mitts off him.
It’s the most shameful besmirching of a well-known black man imaginable.
I hope everyone watches “Square One” and realizes, as I have, that becoming world-famous comes with shady, cruel downsides that no one thinks about until it happens to them.
I also hope everyone puts away any niggling thoughts that maybe, just maybe, “where there’s smoke there has to be fire.”
No, there doesn’t. Sometimes the smoke is a smokescreen to defraud someone of their money.
Sadly, it worked the first time so there were additional attempts to extort money from him, none of which succeeded. (Because of the way Jackson’s civil and criminal suits overlapped, his attorney recommended that ending the civil suit with a hefty payment would keep the criminal suit from going off the rails. Michael didn’t want to do that because it would look like he was admitting guilt and he wasn’t guilty, but he finally caved. I think that was a mistake; he should have held his ground–but one tends to abide by the wisdom of one’s attorney, so I don’t fault him for it, but it did set him up for future blackmail attempts, sadly.)
It’s beyond tragic that Michael Jackson,
a good man, was dishonored,
violated and shamed
for a lie that people fabricated against him.
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