About Joe Biden

The last person I expected to dream about early this morning before rising was former Vice President/Presidential candidate Joe Biden.
But my subconscious is wise and my gut instincts about men when I’m wide awake when I first meet them are usually spot on, so I want to share the dream with you.
But before I do that, I want you to know that I’ve met Joe Biden once, very briefly, during a campaign stop he made in Tacoma about eight years ago.
I was in the crowd of well-wishers, at the front of the pack (as I was actively campaigning for Obama-Biden at the time and we volunteers got to the venue early to get as close to Biden and Senator Patty Murray as we could). In fact, I was standing in what could be considered “the first row” just behind the ropes that separated the crowd from the Secret Service and the people they were there to protect.
As Biden and Murray came my way, I asked someone who had a camera behind me (turns out she was a doctor) to take a picture of me if by chance I got the opportunity to shake Biden’s hand. She said she would.
Sure enough, Biden and Murray stopped in front of me, so I reached out my hand, which VP Biden took, and quickly said, “Thank you for what you’ve done for us all!” (referring to so many of the good bills he had worked hard to pass, including the Violence Against Women Act). He laid his left hand atop the one I was shaking his right hand with and responded, “Thank you for being here doing what you’re doing: I can’t do what I do without your help, believe me!”
In that moment, I gauged for myself the measure of the man. He saw me, he listened, he connected more than was expected of him, and I felt safe (despite the Secret Servicemen studying my every move and mannerism!).
So, when I started hearing about “creepy Joe Biden” and the latest Tara Reade accusation, I was taken aback.
I watched and re-watched all the supposedly “telling” videos (not the doctored crap, but the rest of them) looking to see if I could spot any moment of “that’s not okay!”
What I saw was a man whose love language is physical touch. (Get Gary Chapman’s book ‘The Five Love Languages” at Amazon for more on love languages.)
So, I put the matter out of my mind, assuming that the women who have suggested he’s too “hands on” have been approached by enough creeps whose intentions were not platonic to become a bit paranoid.
(I’ve met at least ten men and women myself who visibly recoil at offered hugs. I’m a hugger, and I offer them frequently. One of my love languages is physical touch. It has happened enough times that I open my arms and wait to see the reaction before I move in for an actual hug.)
So, with that preamble (pre-ramble) out of the way, here’s what happened in the dream I had this morning:
I was at some kind of function where Joe Biden was. I don’t think there were more than about fifty people in the room.
I was at a table with a stack of old books I’d already read and pondered during my lifetime. (In real life during this remodel upgrade, I’ve been divesting myself of old books that I’ll never read again by putting them on a table in my garage for now. They’ll be donated to a thrift store when they open again.)
Joe Biden came over, stood next to me, and inquired what I had there.
I said, “I’m looking to give these books away. I won’t be reading them again.”
He asked me, “What kind of books?”
I said, “Oh, mostly nonfiction. Self-help, philosophy, politics, various… really…”
He took one up that was about paperback size with a leatherette dark cover, but it was slightly slimmer and a bit taller than a paperback, and he tried to read the gold leaf title on it. When he couldn’t make it out, and asked me, “What does this say? I don’t have my readers on.” (Does he even wear glasses?)
I tried to read it, but the glare from a ceiling light was giving me a problem, too…
I said, “Gee, I can’t quite catch the title either.”
He said, “Is it good?”
I thumbed through it a little, finally caught the title inside without trouble, and noticed that I had underlined in the book copiously. “Well, it’s been so long since I read it, I can’t say for sure, but I underlined about every third sentence, so yeah, I’d say I got a lot out of it when I read it!”
He sat that one down on the table before him (as if claiming it) and handed me another. “How about this one?”
I looked inside, saw a lot of underlining, and said, “Yep, this one looks good, too.”
He smiled and asked me, “Have you read all of these books?” (There were literally piles of them on the tale before me.)
I responded, “Yes, and lots more. I’m a reading fool!”
He asked, “Are they all good?”
I said, “If they’re well underlined, they’re good. And most of them are.”
He said, “Let’s see if I can help you give some of them away. I’ll take five.”
I inquired, “Seriously?!”
That smile again. “Sure!”
So he took control of the crowd, and informed them I was giving away well-loved books that I won’t be reading again.
The crowd fell silent and became attentive.
He said to me, “Please introduce yourself and tell them what you told me about the books.”
I stood up, feeling quite “on the spot”, and said, “I’m Kris. I’m a writer but I’ve been a reader forever. I’ve read both of Vice President Biden’s books, and his forward to Tomorrow Will be Different and I loved them.”
I kinda lost my train of thought at that moment, and wasn’t really sure what else to say or how to proceed.
Joe stepped next to me on my left and put his arm around me (in the same way DeForest Kelley used to when I was put painstakingly on the spot standing next to him at a convention on stage), encouraging me while giving me the time I needed to recover my mind and find a way forward…
Suddenly, I heard someone to Joe’s left whisper something to him; he didn’t react, and I didn’t hear what he said.
Then the whisper happened again, and Joe retracted his arm and took a step away…
…and I suddenly realized that someone was reminding him of the “controversy” regarding his touching women!
I immediately responded to his “coach” (under my breath but loud enough for him and Joe and several other people to hear): “Oh, stop that! I don’t care about that at all. Just stop it!”
The crowd suddenly realized what had just happened and there was a communal intake of breath…
I knew for a fact that Joe Biden wasn’t “encroaching” on me. He was simply supporting and encouraging me. I knew his love language was physical touch. He was communicating “I have your back. Take your time.” That was it!
I woke up shortly thereafter. The dream was so lucid that I knew I was supposed to do something with it.
So, I’ve done it. Take it as you will.
I think Joe Biden is a decent, honorable gentleman. I would be proud to have him as my President.
Although I don’t agree with him on a number of issues (I’m a democratic socialist like Bernie, who is a good friend of his), I’ll have no problem voting for him.
I’m extremely pissed off that the DNC has a vendetta against Bernie Sanders (an FDR style Dem), but Joe doesn’t, and Bernie has endorsed him, so I’m good to go.
I’m expecting good things from a Biden administration. He has his own legacy to leave, and I think he’ll make it a memorable and yes, even a more progressive one than most people are expecting of him.
I think he’ll become one of our best, most loved presidents of all time.
Just a feeling I have!
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