Deeply Worried About Americans’ Future

Never thought I’d ever consider leaving the land of my birth, but I’m deeply concerned about Americans’ future these days. I’ve subscribed to International Living magazine to start looking for alternate places to live in Central and South America.
There are so many great places south of the U.S. border that are still affordable for people who have what I get on a monthly basis from retirement sources. (And because I speak fair-to-middling Spanish and have adored every Latino I’ve ever met and gotten to know personally, I’m drawn to move there.)
Unless the midterm elections turns this disaster around, I expect I’ll be relocating sometime shortly after 2020 when the mortgage is paid off and my sister Jackie can get along without me. She will probably want to downsize anyway, so we can split the money and go our separate ways.
Jackie will want to stay close to her son and his family, but I want to live where my Social Security and small pension will allow me to live better. There are many places in Central and South America with socialized health care and other perks that are even better than we get here.
The U.S. has been reduced to “developing country” status so I may as well look at other developing countries, where it’ll be cheaper (and therefore less stressful) to live out my life.
Unless progressives get the upper hand in the next four years, I see no alternative and have no desire to stick around to see how much worse it can get before it starts getting better, because I simply can’t afford any more backsliding.
Our (so-called) government “representatives” are talking past each other, doing the bidding of lobbyists and oligarchs, and in general being completely unhelpful and uninterested in helping the average American citizen anymore because of the pernicious influence of money on politics. Only rich people can afford to run, only rich people get elected, and most rich people don’t have a clue about what it’s like to struggle, so they can’t represent us. They are existing in a different reality.
So the future looks rosier somewhere else, in places where national defense isn’t gobbling up most of the budget. I don’t see very many other developing countries with anemic defense budgets falling to invaders, so I think the threat is overblown to the point of lunacy.
Oh, I have no doubt that, as the “big kid on the block” (a.k.a. the biggest bully on the planet), the U.S. has created more enemies than most, and I’m ready to disassociate myself from that, too. I’m tired of the fear-mongering that passes for “news” in this country and of being associated with bombs, war, genocide, prejudice, and the marginalization and shunning of “the least of these” across the globe.
I’m really ready for a change.
The future doesn’t have to be something to fear. I don’t want to have to fear outliving my meager income, living in a military region (the first place retaliatory strikes will happen in a Third World War), expecting my representatives to be busily lining their pocket with lobbyists’ money with one hand while patting me on the head with the other…
If we as a nation keep doing what we’ve been doing, we’ll keep getting what we’ve been getting. And although what I’ve been getting is “marginally adequate” it doesn’t look like it will always be, what with the GOP drawing a bead on Social Security and Medicare and cutting taxes for the super rich at the expense of the rest of us.
I just don’t feel secure here anymore, so I may as well look for an increased sense of security in another nation where insecurities aren’t orchestrated and played up ad nauseum by saboteurs (the politicians and media that disseminate their pernicious agendas).
Moving to a new land sounds like heaven on earth to me–which is what America used to sound like to so many people around the world. Not anymore. People are staying away now, and getting away. And that’s tragic, isn’t it? America is no longer a destination. It’s become a pariah.
Even tourism has plummeted. People of color fear coming here these days because of the virulence of “out and proud” white supremacist factions who have been emboldened by the current occupant of the White House to castigate and assault them with impunity.
I’m ready and willing to relocate because I don’t think enough (white) people are awake or educated enough to recognize what’s happening here and to make the changes that are needed to turn it around. (That, too, is by design!) It may, in fact, take a bloody revolution to resolve what’s happening to most Americans right now–and I’m too old for that, too.
So it’s best to get out while the getting’s good…and affordable…and my brain and body are still online enough to do it.
Does it sadden me? More than I can express.
America has failed. We’ve exported our best ideals quite successfully, and many other nations are adhering to and benefiting from them. We just haven’t incorporated them here.
Have any doubt this? Watch WHERE TO INVADE NEXT.
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