Women’s March on Washington…and The WORLD

I was so encouraged by the enormous turnout for the Women’s March on Washington, and around the country, and around the world, in immediate reaction to the election of a sexist, misogynistic president. The reactionaries who are protesting it and saying it will bring more DT supporters on board are dead wrong—and they’re the very people whose votes we need to override by scores of votes in the upcoming midterm elections.
Anyone who felt threatened, uncomfortable or angry by the Women’s Marches probably needs a reality check. There were no arrests. There were a lot of strong voices, persistent demands for equal pay, treatment and justice, and for access to legal abortions.
No politician, pastor, rabbi or imam has any right to control another women’s reproductive choices, period, or to control her sexuality unless such things are also required of the male of the species. EQUAL RIGHTS UNDER THE LAW.
It’s a shameful fact that the Equal Rights Amendment has never been passed. It’s not surprising, since there are too few female representatives to override far-right male politicians and the male-dominated corporations that dictate their votes, but it is still a deep, dark stain on this nation. I think we’re the only developed nation that doesn’t enforce equal rights for women. I could be wrong about that…
This isn’t rocket science. It’s about equal rights and justice under the law. The Constitution starts with We, the People, not We the Rich White Patriarchy. It has already taken more than two hundred years to convince the Rich White Oligarchy that they can’t have it all, but it’s coming. Women hold up half the sky. If we don’t get equal treatment, we’re capable of bringing down the house.
Maybe that’s what’s scaring patriarchal, macho, and pussy-whipped men so badly. I reckon it is.
Good! It’s about time we heard some “sorry” coming out of men’s mouths as often as they come out of women’s…and for women to stop saying “sorry” every time they turn around, voice an opinion, or inconvenience anyone momentarily. Men don’t say sorry for breaching protocol. Why should we? (All this said, I’m 100% for civility when interacting–but equal civility, not perceived servitude or THEE and li’l ‘ol me, one-sided kowtow behavior…)
The only SORRY thing about the women is the way they’ve been treated ever since patriarchy took over as a concept in too many places. Male superiority is a myth made real by physical strength and war-like enforcement. It’s uncivilized. It’s backward.
It needs to go.
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