White “Supremacy”? Look at the Lunatics Leading the Parade!

I find the White Supremacy (and Male Supremacy) (and Christian Supremacy) (and Hetero Supremacy) arguments utterly laughable. All one has to do is look at the people who espouse them. Do these people look or act like they are supreme to (better than? above?) anyone else?
Steve Banner?
Donald Trump?
Jeff Sessions?
David Duke?
Tony Perkins/The Family Research Council? ( A hate Group)
Focus on the Family? (A far-right political religious group that was outraged and terrified when a black man was elected to the Presidency in 2007 because he believed in treating all Americans–red and yellow, black, brown and white, rich and poor, Christian/Jewish/Muslim/Agnostic/Whatever, LGBTQI–as beneficiaries of the American Dream, life liberty and the pursuit of happiness plus the Bill of Rights and all other rights granted to citizens of the U.S. without regard to race, class or condition.)
Oh my God! If you think so, we must not belong to the same species!
These people and others like them who buy their b.s. are throwbacks to the Dark Ages of abject human subjugation. And they’re presently the heads of this asylum that we apparently still haven’t yet escaped from!
Yes, I know that people like the ones mentioned above have always existed. But you’d think by now, with all of the proof before them, that the error of their ways would be as clear as the noses on their faces…
But no. With blinders on, they see only what they want to see, hear only what they want to hear.
They have limited educations, limited relationships, limited lives.
Their fear of “the other” keeps them up at night, imagining all sorts of diabolical scenarios in which they’re hopelessly outgunned or outwitted and subsequently forced to surrender to the very same things that they’ve been perpetrating on others since time immemorial.
They’re looking outward and seeing themselves: “What would I do in their shoes? I’d kill me for regarding and treating them the way I’ve been regarding and treating them!”
That’s the real story behind this white/male/heterosexual/Christian supremacy thing. White folks are about to be outnumbered in this nation. (White men already are, by far, when you add white women to the other marginalized groups.) That scares the stuffing out of anyone who has benefited from white male privilege if they’ve always considered their self-proclaimed-and-defended “exalted” position their due, granted by God.
But here’s the thing: Jesus was a Middle Eastern Jew. What color do they think he was?
Oh, right! “White, of course!” (But there was nothing visible to distinguish Jesus from the others in his community. He didn’t stand out/stand apart from his brethren visibly. He wasn’t an anomaly, appearance-wise. What about that, white supremacists?)
I think if there’s a heaven, these white supremacists are going to be in for a mighty rude awakening–just before they get booted OUT!!!
Tiki Torch Nazis parody:
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