Weight Loss Made Easier…

As many of you know, I was recently without a vehicle for a couple of weeks. Whenever I had somewhere I wanted or needed to go, Lisa would drive me. (She lives about a mile away and we often travel together, anyway, whenever we shop for groceries, see a movie, and pursue other mutually-beneficial pursuits–walking at Owen Beach, etc.)
During this vehicle-less time I’ve also been making crock pot soup, and I have loved every bowlful, as have nearby friends who have tasted my various concoctions.
And I’ve been in a 100% upbeat mood because I’ve adopted the COMPLAINT FREE WORLD plan.
All of this, in combination, is doing nice things to my waistline and brain.
I’ve lost eight pounds! I have not missed being without wheels because it has kept me at home where I couldn’t decide on a whim to go get something to eat that wasn’t already in the house. (Translation: fast food, junk food. I don’t keep much of that in the house.)
The only junk food I’ve had in almost three weeks has been hot fudge sundaes, indulged in two to three days per week. (I didn’t even have to twist Lisa’s arm to take us to Dairy Queen, ’cause every time I asked, she was more than ready for a break.) (HF Sundaes are my all-time favorite “guilty pleasure”, so I’m happy that I have them at least a couple days a week.)
Now my vehicle is back but I’m going to keep doing what I’ve been doing. Going out of the house, except to shop for beneficial ingredients for soups and fruit, or to see a movie, will be for “dessert”/”friendship time” and other must-haves (critter food, etc.) not for eating at restaurants. (None of their food compares to the taste of my soups, so why spend the money?)
This way, I’m saving money, losing inches and pounds, and feeling better in a lot of different ways. Falling away from my routine has allowed me to establish a new one that is better for me in every way.
Who said you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? I’ve just proven to myself you can.
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