Update on my New Copywriting Website

Update on my New Copywriting Website
We’re on the final stretch and heading for the winner’s circle!
Within days, I will invite you to enjoy my new copywriting website at wordwhisperer.net.
There are just the blog posts from both of my previous copywriting websites to add (one site was for Do It Yourselfers who want to write their own copy and newbies who want to learn copywriting, the other was to have me write copy or content or edit/enhance it for the web visitor in question), but the copywriting done-for-you part is up right now and I’m thrilled from my toes to Antares and back with what my webmaster Lisa Twining (DancingGoatWebdesign.com) has done to transform it from merely serviceable to sensational…
For starters, it is so ME. And the cherry on top is that it’s so CONTEMPORARY! I love the graphics, the placement, the colors, EVERYTHING about it.
Lisa has become, in my professional opinion, one of the top web design providers. And she can do most websites (even e-commerce ones) in a single day (to include up to five product listings during that time span). Then she can turn it over to the client and they can easily update it with additional products or copy.
And she’s affordable…but not ridiculously affordable. (We’re both in business to keep our heads above water financially, after all!) If you understand the evergreen value of a responsive, smoking hot website, you’ll find her prices smile-worthy.
My particular site is above and beyond what is usually required because she is marrying two sites and has to do a ton of work to make that happen, but she says the blog post part of the puzzle can be done “on the back end,” which means the site can go live — in fact, it is live right now, it just doesn’t have all the blog posts available yet, plus I’m not sure if the SUBSCRIBE and CONTACT radio button work yet… so that’s why I suggest you wait to look it over, unless you’re just dying to see how it’s designed, and how terrific it looks VISUALLY. (If you are, INDULGE and let me know what you think!)
I couldn’t be happier. Seriously. I’m over the moon.
She’ll tackle this website again at some point, too, but I need to give her a break so she can serve other clients.
And … The Copy!
What surprises me about the copy (which I wrote several years ago) is that it’s so good (blush–sorry about that!) that I can’t find anything to change/improve about it. This is unusual, because I can nearly always find something I could have done a little bit better when I review a piece several months or years later.
When I write a final draft of anything, I always say I surrender it at that point: it’s simply the best I can do after dancing with the words for however long it takes me to come up with a presentable draft, and I’m satisfied enough with it that I know it won’t shoot a client (or me, if it’s for me) in the foot.
But I can nearly always find something to tweak weeks or months later… and in this case, I can’t find anything I want to change! I’m surprised and delighted.
So… it’s thisclose to being ready for its close-up, Mr. DeMille! You can take a look now or wait a few more days when the blog posts will be clickable and viewable.
But they’re NOT the focus of the site, so it can be viewed now. I’m just not sure it can be subscribed to right now, or if the contact page is live. Try ’em out and let me know!
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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!