UBUNTU: I am Because We Are

UBUNTU: I am because we are.
Kudos to whoever created this meme
As Doctor McCoy would say, “Eggs-ack-ly!”
I find it intolerable (I literally have to leave the room) whenever I begin to hear or watch white people (privileged and poor) bitching and moaning because black men in football jerseys (and now white ones, and league owners, too) take a knee and take a stand with their mouths to signify the malignant ways in which so-called “liberty and justice for all” are meted out to people of color in America.
Kudos to whoever made this faux book cover meme!
I don’t know where white men think they get off deciding when, where and how black American citizens should be allowed to protest injustice. “Out of our sight!” What good would that do?
Big Mouth Dump is the one who enlarged the protest. And he probably did it on purpose–to sow additional discord and animosity between sports fans of different colors with diametrically-opposite experiences interacting with police forces, the criminal justice system, employers, employment agencies, and banks/lending institutions. Because when the powers-that-be can divide us into our various self-interest groups, we don’t come together in large, massive displays of displeasure to let them know how united we are against the abuse of fellow citizens.
But America’s citizens are waking up to this calculated “divide and conquer” technique, I see. Now all of the anti-Trump people are uniting as a single, combined force and making ourselves seen, heard and felt in political spaces and races across the country, from school boards to Congress.
Although Dump is among the worst disasters to befall America, he is also the BEST disaster: he helped us see what we’ve been doing wrong. Now we’re all on the front lines together–white, black, Latinx, Chinese, Native American, straight, LGBTQI, Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh and atheist. We’re all sticking together to say, “You’re wrong, Cavemen. We stand together for each other. And we vote, and we will not be silent anymore!”
Armchair patriots have become proactive, stand-in-the-halls-of-Congress-and state-houses presences so our representatives can see, hear and sense the turning of the tide and so they understand how precarious their positions are if they don’t start representing our best interests instead of oligarchs, plutocrats, Big Pharma, greedy corporations (“Koch-suckers”) and the Military Industrial complex.
I’ve created a meme recently. I hope you’ll share it far and wide wherever you think it’s an appropriate response to the Trump administration’s toxic racist, sexist, xenophobic, misogynistic policies.
I support 100% the people who are taking a knee and standing up against injustice in our nation.
UBUNTU: I am because we are.
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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!