Trevor Noah NAILS Trump’s Weaponizing of “Victimization”
Trevor Noah nailed it with this commentary. It is exactly what Trump is doing–weaponizing his (and Kavanaugh’s) so-called “victimization” to take the onus off their culpability when accused by numerous women of sexual assault.
Take a listen, men and women. (Especially men.)
The Abuser-Victim’s Playbook Uncovered
Many abusers do what Trevor Noah explains above, not just Trump. Most abusers are power-hungry, privileged, undisciplined children in many ways. They harass, bully and victimize others others and then, when they’re taken to account for it, they either “deny, deny, deny” (Trump’s tactic) or they boo hoo about being a victim of the person they victimized. They point their finger outward to some other source: the actual victim, the court system, the media, political opponents… whatever they can come up with that diverts the focus from them onto something or someone else.
Trump is a master of diversionary tactics. Whatever he wants you to pay attention to isn’t what he’s paying attention to–he and his minions are working behind the scenes to make something else happen, something you’d object to mightily if he hadn’t yelled, “Squirrel!” and directed your attention to something less outrageous or damaging.
Hitler did it. Trump does it.
I highly recommend that you see Fahreneit 11/9 in theaters real soon, before you vote this year. It spares neither side of the aisle; it’s a wake-up call that everyone needs to hear if we’re ever going to have an America that works for all of us.
VOTE IN NOVEMBER! It was the hundred million voters who DIDN’T vote who threw the election to Trump and his super-predators in 2016 — an election that most people regret to this day.
Don’t be a victim this year of your apathy or disdain for politics. This is certainly the most important election of your lifetime.
There is very little time left to redeem what’s happening. Time is short and the water rises…
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