Tomorrow Night Set Phasers on FUN!

The election is OVER. (Thank God for small favors, regardless of outcome.)
So… let’s re-focus, here.
It’s time to reflect on the good things in life–the things that make us smile, grin, laugh, guffaw; the things that make us fall in love all over again with one of Star Trek’s favorite celebrities, the things that harken back to the days before 911 when we were less cynical and/or anxious…
Let’s boldly go to King’s Books tomorrow (218 St Helens Avenue in downtown Tacoma) at 7 PM with our phasers set on FUN!
Feel free to dress the part, if that’s your thing. Come as a Starfleet officer, a Klingon, an Orion slave girl, a Starship Captain… Heck, come as a Chewbacca or Han Solo if you want!!! Or come as yourself. (We might even have a local Washington DC representative in attendance. No promises, but if he’s in town and free, he said he might just show up–so we’ll see!) (That would be District 10’s own newly-reelected Congressman Denny Heck.)
Just come! I plan to read three or four excerpts, at least half of which will be knee-slappers. (You might want to bring a tissue for a couple of them, though.)
After I’ve done that, twenty or thirty minutes will be DE-voted to answering any questions you have about DeForest Kelley. (The Q and A time frame depends on how many questions you have.) Finally, I’ll sign copies of my books for whoever brings them or wants to buy them at the venue. The ones I’m bringing are already signed, in case you don’t want them personalized. That way, if you just want to grab and go, you can, so that the rest–who want to linger and chat–can do so without holding you up. I’ll do my best to make the wait as short, and our interactions sufficiently long, to satisfy everyone who gives up a part of your evening to hang with me and find out more about De.
Sound like a plan?
There is plenty of free parking that time of night. King’s Books has a lot and there is also street parking on St. Helens and side streets. The event is free unless you decide to buy a book (or books–t’is the season to start thinking of gifts for your Trek pals!).
If you have any questions, call me tomorrow before 4:30. My phone number is area code two five three, four seven four six two four zero. Got that?
See you there, then!
I’m soooo looking forward to this. It’s my official first book reading and signing ever. Thank you to King’s Books for offering the venue! I hope the turnout is high enough to make you glad you opened the doors after hours to us!
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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!
I wish I could attend! Sounds like it will be a great time!