Toddler in Chief Throws Another Tantrum

Our Toddler In Chief is butt-hurt because environmental activist Greta Thunberg was named TIME Magazine’s Person of the Year for 2019 yesterday.
Our Toddler in Chief believes he deserves the honor this year.
And last year.
And next year.
Every. Single. Year. Without. Question. Case. Closed!
I simply cannot understand how any human being can be as supremely oblivious to his actual standing in the world as our Toddler in Chief is.
It’s astounding!!!
- Wildly exaggerated sense of self-importance
- Lives in a fantasy world that supports one’s delusions of grandeur
- Needs constant praise and admiration
- Feels fully entitled to pursue any and every avenue that promotes a desired outcome: (“When I do it, it isn’t wrong.”)
- Exploits others without guilt or shame
- Frequently demeans, intimidates, bullies, and belittles others
There are additional signs and symptoms. Find them at the Mayo Clinic website here:
The list is a point-by-point accounting of actions and mindsets that DJT has mastered to get ahead and stay top of mind. And sadly, his disorder has served him well; his sycophants, family and staff, not so much.
The landscape around him is strewn with the bodies and careers of people he has used and discarded as if they were used sanitary napkins.
In his diseased mind, they go from being useful tools (as long as they remain sycophants) to filthy discards the moment he can no longer manipulate them or depend on their “loyalty” (fear, intimidation), or they discover he’s a sick, twisted individual without scruples and remove themselves from his orbit as soon as possible.
He has to be a real treat to hang with. (Gag a maggot.)
So, his Big Idea today has been to bully Greta Thunberg.
Recently, it was to paste his head atop Sly Stallone’s torso because EGO-STROKING is as pleasing to him as other kinds of physical stroking, if you get my drift.
A few days ago he castigated a security guard for not roughing up a woman protester as he was escorting her from one of his rallies.
This POS is NOT honoring his position, HAS NOT honored his position, and should be REMOVED from his position with all deliberate speed. But his equally-entrenched minions in Congress are too cowardly or too compromised by the same entities that have compromised Trump to do what their Constitutional duties demand of them: IMPEACHMENT.
I am ashamed of and embarrassed by our Toddler in Chief. I didn’t vote for him; I had his number years ago, as most people did who spent any time watching him lay waste to subcontractors lives and fortunes in New York and Atlantic City, to the businesses he ran, and to the trumped up universities he concocted to bilk earnest, questing people out of their money, etc.
We have been had … and he still considers himself God’s gift to us, mostly because evangelical leaders have pasted the lie into his head that his ascension to the highest office in the land was God’s doing! His ascension was gerrymandered and Electoral College created. The other candidate actually won by three million more votes than he did! The Electoral College was devised by racist slaveholders who wanted to “gerrymander” their supremacy by counting every slave they held as 3/5th of a person so they could hold more power in government.
It turns my stomach.
Congratulations, Greta! You’re a class act and a fabulous activist. Keep on keeping on. You make us believe again in our ability to squeak and strive until something GOOD happens for the planet that so many greedy bastards have commandeered and are raping and pillaging to their hearts’ content.
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