‘TIPPI’ is Top Notch Tremendous

My Amazon review of TIPPI: A Memoir
‘TIPPI’ is Top Notch Tremendous
By Kristine M. Smith on December 2, 2016
Although Tippi Hedren always been a hero (and champion) of mine since the first day we talked on the phone and she welcomed my “serval son” Deaken and me into her life at the Shambala Preserve with open arms before she even knew much about me, reading her life story has elevated her to a place no other human being has ever occupied…
I simply could not put the book down. I read it cover to cover–and will do so again. I was pulled into the narrative: I vicariously lived her life with her. That’s how good it is. I can’t wait to see ROAR again now that I know what I know about ITS next-to-impossible creation story.
What an amazing life she has led. What incredible challenges she overcame. What heartaches she endured.What a blessing she has been to so many people (not to mention animals) in so many realms.
I knew nothing about her involvement with Food for the Hungry, Vietnamese refugees, or her travels to support our troops. I simply had no idea. She never told these tales; she isn’t the type of person to brag–and she never complains. She’s not complaining here. She’s just telling her story. And what a story it is!
I also bought the audio version because her voice has a unique quality that sets her apart, and I miss hearing it regularly. It is intimate, compelling, relational, compassionate, and so down-to-earth that it’s akin to an aural meditation… And the best news is that the royalties she gets from TIPPI: A Memoir goes right back to the animals she loves and cares for at Shambala.
It is an honor to know her, a delight to love her, and a blessing to have been so blessed by her.
My only remaining wishes for Tippi are that I could somehow take away the physical pain that she has endured for more than a decade, swap out my (overactive) senses of taste and smell for her lack of them, and find a way to make sure that everyone who reads her book (or this review) will donate regularly to Shambala.org so Tippi can truly ENJOY the rest of her life without the constant challenge of meeting her magnificent wild ones’ needs.
Thank you, Tippi, for everything!!!
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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!