
Thankful for so many things this year …
- For my official gender dysphoria diagnosis so I can make arrangements to have my chest masculine-ized
- For friends and family members who support the goals I have for myself in 2020 and beyond
- For good health
- For pickle ball and wally ball
- For my pets (cats and goats)
- For the upcoming centennial celebration of DeForest Kelley’s birthday on January 20, 2020
- For the potential chance to be flown to Georgia to appear at the Toccoa History Museum and to be present when they celebrate De’s birthday in his hometown
- For the upcoming visit next year of my friend from New Zealand Helen Schofield and her family
- For our new auto mechanic, Darien Haynes, the jack of all trades who helps us out when we need anything he knows how to do on our cars or anywhere else on our property
- For my Facebook friends who LIKE and SHARE my stuff with their friends and families
- For the ability to make a decent living as a virtual (stay at home, non-commuting) copy, content and features writer and editor
- For my Social Security and pension checks: small as they are, I’d be in a serious pickle without them!
- For good presidential candidates in the Democratic Party, any of which I can confidently (even proudly, in two cases) support over our current POS (Sanders/Warren or Warren/Sanders in 2020, please!!!)
- For my robust sense of optimism despite the enormous challenges that face us as a nation and planet
- For young people who vote and aren’t intimidated in the least by reckless, inaccurate charges of “socialism” when all Bernie is aiming to do is return to the values of the FDR administration when the government worked for the people (the taxpayers who support it) instead of oligarchs, plutocrats and corporations. The GOP (now stands for Greedy Old Patriarchs) called Social Security and Medicare socialism back in the day. Anything that benefits all American citizens gets tarred with the same lame, now-toothless term. It’s ludicrous!
- For the yay-sayers in my life, past and present, who encouraged me to become the very best version of myself possible in the areas where I most wanted to contribute as a human being (as a writer, animal welfare advocate and speaker)
- For Lisa Twining Taylor, by best-est friend forever and ever amen, who is also my book cover designer, webmaster and fellow co-conspirator in so many others endeavors.
Oh my gosh…. I could go on and on and on about the cornucopia of reasons why I’m thankful, but I’ll stop there because no matter how long I make the list, I’ll be leaving something off and I will regret it, or someone will get hurt because I didn’t mention their contribution to why I’m thankful this holiday season! If I’ve mentioned you at all on Facebook or in any of my blog posts, I’m especially grateful to you for the reasons I stated therein!
I hope the holiday season ahead warms your heart and fills your life with an abundance of blessings that you can be thankful for.
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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!