Stage Coach: My Prescription for Panicky Presenters
If the mere thought of public speaking sends your body into a modified panic attack — ‘bated breath, racing heart, perspiration on your upper lip or the palms of your hands — you’re just the person I’m looking for.
I used to be just like you!
But today, I look forward to stepping before live audiences with both fondness and anticipation. The energy I feel beforehand, and for the first few minutes after I take the stage — which used to terrify me — now feels like an adrenaline rush instead of a red alert.
In this short, helpful guide, I reveal how to transform your trembling into triumph.
I will show you how to reclaim your voice so you can stop hiding in the shadows of your unspoken fears and share your grand ideas and offerings in public settings without breaking into a cold sweat.
Shakespeare said it best: All the world’s a stage.
And it’s yours to take.
You can do this!
Let me help…