Slowly but Surely

Slowly but surely I’m getting things kicked back into shape and placed in the various rooms, but not totally up against the walls yet because the baseboards still need to be put in.
My den is beginning to look more like it did before the remodel/upgrade process began. I still have Dad’s china cabinet to get into the living room. It’s a monster so it takes up about a sixth of my den/writing room. The upper part comes off when I move it, and it’s apart now, which is why it’s taking up so much room. But nearly everything else is out of the den and back where it should be.
The entertainment center looks great in the bedroom. The cat tree is beside it so the cats can climb up and sit/sleep on top when they feel like it.
You’d be amazed at the number of cat toys I dug out of various hidey holes as I emptied the rooms to make way for the carpet layers. I must have found fifteen balls of various kinds: solid rubber ones, plastic ones with bells in them, others with catnip or feathers… I even have one that lights up when they bat it around.
So, suddenly they think this place is Disneyland for cats. They’re acting like wild animals. It’s good to be wearing shoes or slippers right now! (I guess once they went underneath the bed or under a dresser, they were “out of sight and out of mind.”)
Two rooms look great except for the baseboards. That leaves two to go: the kitchen/hallways and bathroom.
I just got one of the serval switch plates and placed it below a painted portrait of Deaken in the hallway. I don’t know if it’s going to stay there or not. I’m just playing with ideas right now…
That’s why I say “slowly but surely.” It all feels like it’s coming together pretty fast, though, now that it’s underway. Jackie says it should all be done within a month.
She’s depending on friends and her son for some of the work and they’re only available on weekends, so that’s why it’s going to take that long. If we were working at it every day, we’d be done in a week.
I might take the bull by the horns and install the baseboards myself. It ain’t rocket science. I think I’ll need a miter saw, though, to make 45 degree cuts (or whatever they are) for where the pieces come together at the corners. Phil (my nephew) might have one of those or George (his father in law) might. I’ll check…
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