SciFi Diner Podcast Interview Confirmed…and More!

A SciFi Diner interview is confirmed for September 7th at 7 p.m. Eastern Time/4 PM Pacific Time. Not sure if it’s live at that time or will be prerecorded then. I will let you know as soon as I do…
Interesting side note: De and Carolyn were married at 4:20 p.m. Pacific Time on September 7th, 1945, so theSci Fi Diner hosts and I will be talking exactly 71 years after their marriage…on the dot! How cool is that?!
Lisa is working on squeeze pages for three different audiences: people who love De in westerns (and westerns in general); people who love De in Star Trek and/or my Kelley books; and people who want to receive occasional newsletters from me. The background images for the squeeze pages are BRILLIANT. She really has an eye for that kind of thing.
She’ll eventually have squeeze pages for all of my titles, as mentioned in an earlier blog: squeeze pages for people who are into animal and self-help books to beckon readers to Let No Day Dawn that the Animals Cannot Share, Serval Son and Settle For Best: Satisfy the Winner You Were Born to Be.
I have another title that will come out in 2017 that is a total departure from everything I’ve written before. It’s called Womb Man. But enough about that one for now. I have no doubt that one will be controversial. It probably should have come out this year, too, during the Olympics, but I can only concentrate fully on one title at a time without muddying the waters, so because this is Star Trek’s 50th anniversary, I’m focusing on DeForest Kelley Up Close and Personal: A Harvest of Memories from the Fan Who Knew Him Best. It seems the “logical” choice, doesn’t it?
In other news…
Kareen Shanks, who delivered a brand-new looking crock pot to me this afternoon (one with fully intact handles, unlike the one I’ve been using for the past week! WHEEE! Thank you, Kareen! HUGE HUG!) asked for a copy of DeForest Kelley Up Close and Personal not for herself but because she’s related to someone who makes buying decisions for the King County Public Library system. She said she’s going to give it to them to see if they’ll want to carry it. How cool is that?!
As soon as she said that, I gave her a copy of Settle For Best:Satisfy the Winner You Were Born to Be to submit, too, because that book has inspired and helped the people who have read it far beyond what I envisioned as its payoff to readers. I wanted to encourage readers with it; that was all!
Settle For Best is for people who are unemployed or underemployed, for people who feel they have their career ladders leaning against the wrong wall (unhappy employees), and for people who want to contribute to the world in other ways.
The premise of the book is “Hire yourself!” If you’ll work as hard for your own goals as you would for an employer’s, why not develop a business around what you love doing that can bless others in some way?
That’s what I did in 2007 and I have never been happier.
Life is too short to wait for the perfect employer to discover you and play on your strengths.
This country was built by solopreneurs and small business owners, and with the Internet your target audience can be truly global (unless you deliver gravel or some other commodity locally/regionally). There’s no reason why, if you have the drive and the passion, you can’t put the systems and processes in place to make a go of what you want to do. So do it!
But back to the thread I started out with…
The powers-that-be in Issaquah (who make the book buying decisions for the King County Library) already accepted Serval Son several years ago, but I haven’t made it a priority to send any of my others titles to them for consideration. I should have given Kareen Let No Day Dawn that the Animals Cannot Share and Floating Around Hollywood, too. I would have, if I’d been thinking straight. But I did let her know that I have other titles if the Issaquah folks decide they want to carry the ones she’s delivering to them, so I’ll probably be asked to send them, if we have any luck at all there.
I met Kareen Shanks during the caucuses in our state. We were/are both Berniecrats. Kareen has become one of the best connections ever. She is one of my most ardent boosters on Facebook and (as you now know from reading the above) elsewhere. She’s a great gal. I was doubly/triply blessed the day I met her… Truly, truly!
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