Romeo is Recovering…and more…

One of my “baby” goats, year and a half old Romeo, has been feeling puny for several days. He was acting stiff and sore and isolating himself from the others, so I made him a nice bed of hay and goodies in the shed where winter hay is kept so I could keep a closer eye on him and make sure the other goats weren’t hassling him and making him feel worse.
Today he’s feeling worlds better. Lisa discovered some kind of injury–looks to be a gash of some king–on his withers, but its location doesn’t account for his overall soreness. Lisa gave him a physical. He’s strong, robust, alert, eating, peeing and pooping, so he doesn’t look “sick”, just real sore. It’s too bad we can’t interview him to find out what happened…
I tried putting him back with the other goats tonight, but he isn’t ready for prime time yet. The other goats looked like they were ready to take him on, and butt him, and he kept out-maneuvering them to avoid any sideswipes or headon collisions, so I quickly escorted him out again and put him back in the hay shed (which luckily hasn’t yet been filled with hay for the winter). He’s happy as a clam in there.
He wouldn’t even lie down for several days but since yesterday he has been lying down and getting up regularly. He is curious and interested in goat treats (carrots, grass, alfalfa, oats). So he isn’t sick or feverish–just sore! Sure wish I knew what the heck happened! I hate it when any of my critters feels puny…
In Other News…
I watched the VP debate tonight. I like Tim Kaine a lot better than I do Mike Pence, as a person and with regard to his policies/his party’s platform. I think Kaine won on points. He stuck to the facts and comported himself well.
Pence had a tough time dancing around NOT endorsing Trump’s most egregious lies, missteps and statements. That’s why I think Kaine won. Pence simply had no response other than to say, “That’s not true… that’s not what he said.” One of his biggest gaffes was something along the lines of “Donald Trump is not a practiced politician/tactician.” (That alone should disqualify him from the highest office in the land!)
I need to get my SUV smog tested and tabbed tomorrow morning before noon. Gads…just when I think I’m gaining ground, something else comes along to ding my puny bank balance… That’s life!
At noon tomorrow and Thursday I’m going to play “patient” here in my home for two people who are on the cusp of earning CNA licenses. That should be a lot of fun! I think I’ll play a variety of personalities: sweet old lady, hellion, paranoid, catatonic, neurotic, anxious, listless, hyperactive, combative, etc. just to keep things interesting. OK, maybe not…
One or more of the chicks keeps jumping on the hen’s back and riding around. Once in a while it “snuggles” atop her. (I’m not sure it’s snuggling or shagging. I may have a little rooster on my hands!) I got some video of one chick riding high atop her back this evening. It’s just a few seconds long but it takes about fifteen seconds to load…
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