R.I.P. Chadwick Boseman

I am immensely saddened to learn of the passing of actor Chadwick Boseman, whose talent was as enormous as his heart and his being…
My first memory of Boseman was seeing him portray Jackie Robinson in the motion picture 42.
Because I’m a lifelong civil rights advocate, I had read Robinson’s book about his career and tribulations, so I was looking forward to the movie for several months before it premiered.
I followed the interviews with the cast and knew it was going to be something really special.
And it was.
But I discovered, along the way, that Boseman was someone really special, too, not because he was as actor, but because he was a sterling human being.
Everyone who knew him adored him.
So, I was super excited when he got the part of the Black Panther in Wesley Snipes‘ production within the Marvel universe onscreen. I knew he’d bring what was vital to the role. And did he ever!
The motion picture won three Academy Awards, including Best Picture and a bunch of additional accolades.
The entire cast was marvelous, but it was while watching interviews with Boseman and others and seeing how much positive influence the movie had on kids (black and white, but especially black, because there have been so few Hollywood movies made that give strong, powerful, positive black people the spotlight) made me appreciate the franchise all that much more.
And every time, every single time I saw or heard Boseman, my heart sang. He was such a delightful, grounded, wonderful personality and human being.
The planet seems darker today because he is no longer alive on it.
So, this morning I’m sharing my solidarity and sadness in this public way to let his millions of other fans, young and old, know that I fully realize what devastating news it is to hear of his passing from colon cancer at just 43 years of age.
I feel we’ve all be robbed of so many additional great things he was capable of sharing with us.
My heart is aching…
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