POTUS D.T. Strikes Again and Again and Again

With a nod of thanks to Medicine.net I’m going to redefine Delerium Tremens as follows: “Delirium tremens: A central nervous system symptom of sane voters which has been noted since the 2016 election. Symptoms include uncontrollable trembling, severe anxiety, sweating, and sudden feelings of terror. Abbreviated DTs.”
U.S. President Delirium Tremens has made one lousy decision after another–except for backing out of the TPP–so I’m having a hard time focusing on anything else, but I really have to; what’s he’s doing will eat me up inside if I stay focused on it. So I’m going to do my best to focus on something else–anything else:
My upcoming book Womb Man.
My new blog at KrisandKritters.com.
My upcoming February 9th gallbladder removal surgery (which is a helluva lot more pleasant to think about than the new POTUS).
Stuff like that. Right after this post…
Gotta get a life that doesn’t revolve around lying in bed in the fetal position wondering what President DT and his minions in Congress will do to those of us who aren’t rich, white and male.
The citizens of this country are getting on the stick to create a constant, unremitting backlash when it comes to his appointments and policies because our children and grandchildren won’t have a chance or a livable planet to try it out on unless we do. I don’t have any children so I don’t have quite the dog in the fight that many do but–since I consider all creatures (human and non-human) and environments my “children/responsibility/dominion”–I’m going to do everything I can to make sure everyone survives this dastardly administration…
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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!