Please Share Your Fondness for My Books with Others

At on the individual pages that describe, review and offer excerpts of five of my books, you’ll find SHARE buttons on the left-hand side of the page.
Please use them to post a cover image and your comments about whichever book you’ve read to your Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ pages. There is also a heart button that you can click on to register that you LIKE the book.
Since this is a brand new site, I need your help to make sure the search engines find it organically. They do this by sending ‘spiders’ out (not the eight-legged kind, luckily!) to see how many people are visiting the site and remaining engaged with it for more than thirty seconds.
If you’d like to help me out and gain greater visibility online (and I hope you do!), please LIKE and SHARE my site with your book-loving friends and with friends who may enjoy hearing about any of the several topics I’ve written about.
While you’re at it, let me know what you think of the site overall! I’ll take your suggestions into consideration with an open mind and a grateful heart…
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This weekly blog is reader supported.
If you enjoy my posts, and want to show your appreciation, please do so via PayPal. (My email address for Paypal is Remember the m between my first and last names so your gift doesn’t misfire. If you go this route, please be sure to include your email address in the notes section, so I can say thank you.
Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!