So Far, One Confirmed and One Other Possible Interview on the Horizon

In just one day’s time, I landed one confirmed interview with Roger Noriega (date and time TBA), and Kim Rain Roddenberry has suggested me as a potential guest with another gentleman. Awesome!
You can sure tell the most proactive folks on my Friends list, that’s for sure! Thank you, Roger and Kim, for jumping right on it. Your early responses give me hope and inspiration to do a little prospecting myself again, at least with the magazines I’ve already appeared in writing about De (Cowboys and Indians, Star Trek Magazine,, etc.) Can anyone think of other magazines that might like a DeForest Kelley-centric interview during Star Trek’s 55th anniversary this year?
I hope more Kelley/Trek/western fans I tagged in the last blog post on my Facebook page will do the same as the days pass and they catch enough of a break to consider my request.
It Takes a Village — Here’s How YOU Can Help, Quick and Easy!
If you’d like to help but don’t have the time, energy, or bandwidth to write a short blurb encouraging the media folks you know to consider me as a guest, let me take the bull by the horns and write something for you, which you can adapt, or use as is, when IM’ing or emailing them. Here you are!
“Hi _______! Just putting a little bug in your ear. With 2021 being Star Trek’s 55th anniversary, I think an amazing guest for you on your show would be Kris M. Smith, whose writing career was launched by DeForest Kelley in 1969, and who ended up being a close personal friend of De and his wife. Kris also became De’s personal assistant and caregiver at the end of his life. Kris has written several books about him and is a wonderful interviewee. You can hear some of the earlier interviews from the milestone 50th Trek anniversary (and ones even earlier than that) at Kris’s website, Kris’s email address is I hope Kris is a new “find” for you; if not, disregard! I love listening to/watching your show!” — Your name
How’s that? I just want to make it as easy for you as I can to help me extend De’s legacy to still another generation of Star Trek and westerns fans!
Thanks for whatever you can do to help me out!
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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!