Not Rolling Over Yet — The DEM Campaign is Far From Over

Bernie CU by Lisa Twining Taylor

It seems that many of my moderate friends expect me to roll over, now that Joe Biden has fifty more points than Bernie Sanders in the delegate count; otherwise, I’m deemed a “spoiler” and am threatening the ability of the “presumed” 2020 standard bearer to unite everyone in time to defeat Trump on November 3rd.


Just hold your horses.


There is no “presumed” standard bearer yet. Many more progressive states, including my own, haven’t voted or been counted yet. I anticipate that when that’s over, we’ll have Bernie closer to winning the prize than Biden. At that time, will my moderate friends roll over and get in line to work like the devil to make sure he’s our next President?


What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.


I like Joe Biden. I will vote for him if he’s the eventual nominee because I realize the helluva mess we’ll be in if Trump is reelected.


But Biden’s often-errant votes and moderate policies don’t inspire me to want to abandon the better of the two candidates.


The men are friends. Their policy differences are nothing personal. I just know that Bernie’s policies come from a purer place than do Biden’s. I think Biden has been a corporate puppet in far too many instances.  Look at his list of corporate contributors on Open Secrets (Center for Responsive Politics):


And  now look at Bernie’s:


Click on the various tabs at the same site to learn more about the backers of these two candidates..and any other candidates that you’ll be asked to vote for during every election cycle.


Joe is not a bad guy; in fact, I think he’s a pretty wonderful guy. But it seems pretty obvious to me that he’s beginning to lose his mental faculties … and even when they were at their best, he wasn’t making the same policy decisions I would have made (since I’m not obligated to lobbyists or corporate overlords): Bernie sure isn’t losing his. He’s still sharp as a tack.


So, I’m not ready to throw in the towel and start extolling the virtues of a less-virtuous, less-independent, less-mentally-adept candidate. It may come to that, but I’m not there yet because Bernie is still a viable candidate, and I will always side with him as long as he maintains viability as a candidate.


I simply don’t think as many people will turn out to vote unless Bernie is the candidate. Bernie’s supporters are far more numerous than’s Trump’s and they’re equally passionate about having him as our next POTUS. If the fringe elements don’t vote or write him in (against his expressed preference that they get behind the eventual nominee to make sure Trump loses), the likelihood of Trump being reelected will increase exponentially.


Trump says he’d rather face Biden than Bernie. He’s going to play on the thoroughly debunked Burisma/Hunter Biden propaganda from now until election day. He’ll harp on Biden’s  mental health and spoken gaffes (talk about the pot calling the kettle black!); he’ll point out how beholden Biden is to corporate interests (again, pot and kettle).


Biden may well still prevail since people have  woken up to the threat to democracy that the present POS (abbreviation intended) poses to our nation, given the huge voter registration patterns ever since he was elected (if the GOP’s voter suppression efforts fail spectacularly), but it won’t be because  Joe’s the best candidate; it will be because Trump is the worst president in modern history.


I think whoever gets the nod as the DEM standard bearer will win and, given that belief, why shouldn’t we vote for the candidate during the primaries who has never wavered when voting for the best interests of the American people of all colors, creeds and religions?


No one has yet convinced me why I should want to vote for anyone else.


Bernie is the best candidate running. His voting record proves it.


“Government of, by and for the people” is his mantra.


And gee, where have I heard that expressed before?



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Kris Smith

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