Nostalgia Radio

I just googled Nostalgia Radio and downloaded 121 stations that tout themselves as such. Most of them, as it turns out, are music stations; a dozen or so are Christian stations; only 17 of them look even remotely like they might be interested in interviewing me about DeForest Kelley. All 17 have nostalgia-era entertainment shows of one kind or another. So I crossed my fingers and reached out to them, hoping for some positive responses…
It took two hours to go through the list and search online to find out more about the 121 nostalgia stations. Because so few of them were germane, the research got very old, very fast, so I’m glad it’s over.
Does anyone out there in Readership Land have any ideas about radio stations or podcasts that might be interested in an interview with me about De, other than the ones who have already interviewed me? I would love to hear about them! (The list of previous interviews is on my home page, with links to those interviews; I plan to get back to more of those, because two of them are having me back again–Voices of the West for the third time; so I’m no slouch as an interviewee: I have lots of great stories about De’s long career).
They don’t have to be nostalgia radio folks; they can be memoir interviewers, author interviewers, entertainment industry interviewers. Can you put on your thinking cap and see if you can come up with additional ideas? I would truly appreciate it!
If I had the energy, I’d start my own weekly podcast and get some buzz that way… but I’m on the down side of the slide and I don’t have that much energy after writing (or looking for writing work) all week long, so that’s out. An occasional interview is good; every week would be too much!
I do know that every time I do an interview, my book sales pick up. So I have to focus on doing more of them.
I’m like the proverbial auto mechanic whose car doesn’t run because he’s always fixing other people’s cars! I’m so involved writing copy and content for other people that I run out of energy to market myself via writing, so I’m hoping for some non-writing exposure–and nostalgia interviews look like a viable alternative…
Hoping you can help me think of more avenues to pursue!
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