Nail Biter Elections

The last few days have been real nail biters. And today is yet another one…
It astounds me that this year’s election for POTUS is so close.
Biden is sooooo much better a human being.
He actually cares about us and the world.
I can understand (maybe) supporting Trump the first time around: he was an unknown quantity as far as being a Commander in Chief.
But there’s just no excuse to explain why he should be this close to being reelected after all he has proven himself to be over the past four agonizing years.
I just don’t understand why this election isn’t a freaking landslide for the Biden-Harris team. Most of Bernie’s supporters voted for Biden-Harris as did most other progressives, moderates, Independents, sane Republicans, and first-time voters. (I know voter suppression was a huge factor, though; there’s no getting around that fact.)
I’m also astounded that the DEMS didn’t take back the Senate, and that the most-loathed Trump ass-kissing Senators (Mitch McConnell, Susan Collins and Lindsey Graham) won their reelection races.
This is telling me something about more than 60 million fellow Americans (and too many of my relatives and friends) than I ever wanted to believe about them: they’ll vote for the person that the KKK and American Nazi Party endorsed.
It blows my mind!!!
They can swear on their much ballyhooed Bibles that they aren’t white supremacists, racists, sexists, misogynists, anti-LGBTQI, and xenophobes, but their votes for POTUS call out their lies, because he is all of that, and more: a serial adulterer, a terrible businessman who screws the people who serve him (contractors who built his properties), and an unrepentant pussy-grabber who has more than 2o women (one of whom was under 14 at the time) who have accused him of rape. (That isn’t even the full list.)
Well, it’s going to be close, but I think the American people who see him for who he is will evict the bully buffoon from the White House. The ballots are being counted now and VP Biden is very close to the 270 he needs.
As long as Nevada stays in his column, he will win the 270 electoral votes needed to gain the Presidency (providing there are no faithless electors).
And there remains the possibility that Pennsylvania and even North Carolina (with 15 electoral votes) and Georgia (with 16 electoral votes) will fall into his column. (It’s likely with PA; it carries 20 electoral votes.) If all of those things happen, he will be way ahead of Trump and there will be no way for any of Trump’s Hail Mary bogus lawsuits to move forward.
I’m on pins and needles, as is most of the country … and the world.
It should NOT be a nail biter. Because it isn’t, I know we have a lot of work to do to neutralize the cult of Trump and the bigotry and fear that call people to it like a siren song.
America can’t be great until it is good to all of its citizens.
It has never been that way before, but it’s an ideal (liberty and justice for all) that we embrace with our mouths. We just need to start walking the walk, too…
This nail biter of an election simply HAS to turn the corner and deliver a better, brighter future to us than the one Trump and his sycophants seek.
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