My Yelm Writers’ Circle Presentation is Ready!

Last night and this morning I sat down to compile my August 25th presentation (“Making a Living as a Writer in the 21st Century”) for the Yelm Writers’ Circle.
I had no idea how much information I have stored away just in my brain on the topic. (With a little more than what is in on tap my brain, I’d have had enough to write an entire book on the topic!)If I’d jotted it all down, it would have been overwhelming; I would have to rush to get through it.
That would be no fun for anyone! So I scaled it back.
But there’s still a lot of crucial information in it.
I have from about 5:40 to 7:30 to do it, but about 20 minutes of that will be readings from my Kelley book and about 30 minutes will be a set aside session of questions and answers. So I have an hour (give or take a few minutes either way) to get ‘er done.
It’s gonna be close. And it’s gotta be fun. Because I want the Yelm Writers’ Circle attendees to get what they came for and I want to be invited back–and I won’t be if I put people to sleep or scare them half to death!
It’ll all work out. I’ve never failed to offer a decent presentation yet. (‘Yet’ is the operative word here.)
Once I get going, I pretty much have a ball, so attendees do, too…
This will be the first time I’ve given this presentation. Usually I give how to presentations like “How to Write your Core Story”, “How to Write Your Ten Second/Thirty Second Introduction/Elevator Speech/Commercial”, “How to Write a Riveting Bio”, “How to Write Your Own Riveting Web Copy or Content” and other topics of interest to business owners and entrepreneurs.
The Yelm Writers’ Circle is a perfect audience for all of the above how to topics, too because FIRST, they’re WRITERS (but most probably aren’t copy or content writers), which means they’re ready and even eager to do their own writing, and SECOND, on their websites and when they’re out and about they”ll need “all of the above” and then some to make decent livings as writers.
So they’re pretty much one of my Ideal Audiences. We resonate as fellow writers, as fellow entrepreneurs, as fellow business owners (if their business is writing) and as fellow advocates. It’s a match made in heaven!
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