My UW Doctor’s Assistant Called Today


Yay! I just heard back from my University of Washington doctor’s office about my concern over the lack of available online information about her.


One of her assistants called me to answer the questions I’d asked in my letter (there were several) and we had such a good time, we didn’t even get to them all, but I know she’ll have them for me when we meet in person a little over a month from now.


I also told her about trying to get the information from my insurance companies that they asked me to get, and she said not to worry; they will pursue the matter from their end (whew!) after we’ve had our initial consultation.


She said my doctor has done a “handful” of transmasculine top surgeries, with good results, and they will show me before and after photos when I’m there on April 2nd and they’ll see if they  can get permission from the patients to have me call them to get their opinions on how everything went.


Because it’s the UW, a top-rated hospital nationally, I have zero concern about the doctor’s online presence or that she doesn’t have tons of experience with this specific surgery. She has performed post-cancer breast reconstruction and other similar procedures, and I’d think those would be a lot tougher than what she’ll be doing on me.. The surgery looks pretty straightforward.







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Kris Smith

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