More Q & A with Hannah McCrane

December 5, 2020 / Comments Off on More Q & A with Hannah McCrane
More Q & A with Hannah McCrane
Hannah McCrane is on a roll with more questions for me.
If you could have any animal, alive or extinct, as a pet, which would you choose and why?
As a life-long animal lover, this one is tough to answer. I’ve shared my life at times with skunks, deer, hawks, a serval, domestic cats and dogs, birds (including parrots and a cockatoo), snakes (garter and Burmese python), guinea pigs, ferrets, gerbils, goats, calves, horses, hamsters, salamanders, a raccoon, polliwogs, mice and rats… and that may not even be the entire list! I’d resurrect my serval son, Deaken, if that was possible, and if he agreed it was a good idea! If there’s a heaven for animals, Deaken may not want to come back to me, but maybe he’ll put in a good word for me and I can go wherever he is when my time here is finished.

Other critters I’d love to get to know better include tigers, lions, cheetahs, giraffes, elephants, sloths, monkeys, apes, and bison. (I’ve met and interacted for long minutes with all of these except sloths and bison.) Of course, they’d have to agree to the intrusion into their lives. I don’t want to be viewed as a threat … or as a meal! I would want the interaction to be mutually beneficial and stress-free.
Favorite fast food places? Jack in the Box or Subway. I also visit Taco Bell at times and, less frequently, KFC/A&W.
Right-handed or left-handed?
Right-handed, but I can manage okay left-handed, too, so I’m a wee bit ambidextrous.
What do you hate? Bigotry in any form. Cult leaders (shame on them!)
What do you love? So many things! Nature, most critters, lots of people, writing, reading, health, my pets, my friends, my memories and plans… and on and on!
What would you say to the young people today? Believe in yourself a helluva lot sooner than I believed in myself. Listen to your yay-sayers, not your naysayers.
Yay-sayers are the people in your life who believe in the same future for you that you do. Yay-sayers are not yes men or women; they are mentors, fans, and all other encouraging people who eagerly and confidently counteract the more plentiful (and frequently nearer and dearer) naysayers in your life.
When you’re in school, yay-sayers are professionals in most cases: teachers, counselors, actors, musicians, robotics engineers, sports players, and others who are in positions to evaluate your potential and find you eager, adequate, and well on your way, skills-wise, to succeeding in your chosen field.
In my case, early-on yay-sayers included four teachers, a Pulitzer prize-nominated author, and DeForest Kelley whose encouragement counteracted the oft-repeated fears my parents shared that writing wasn’t a “real” career and that something more secure (and 9-to-5) was a better career choice. Adopt a yay-sayer who’s eager to help you embrace your goals and start listening to them exclusively! I wrote a whole book about this topic for young people!

Posted in Reflections
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