More Answers for Hannah McCrane
More Answers for Hannah McCrane
Here are my answers to Hannah McCrane’s most recent slew of questions.
Who else has questions I can answer? Send them to me on Facebook!!!
If you could live one day in the distant past or the distant future, which would you choose? I would choose the past (since our future doesn’t promise much right now!!!) and it would be during Mark Twain’s life, so I could spend a day “roughing it” with him. I have a feeling I’d be waaaayyyy more giddy about it than he would, because he would have no idea I was from the future (unless I knew and could tell him) or that his name would still be an iconic household word 150 years later!!!
My next (closer past) day would be during Robert F. Kennedy’s life. I would love to spend a day walking with him in ghettos, on reservations, with migrant workers, and other undermined populations so I could vicariously experience the hope they placed in him.
But if I could intervene in his assassination and save him (even at the cost of my own life), I would choose that over the above two in a heartbeat. The trajectory of our history changed for the worse when he was murdered. There would have been no Watergate, no Reagan, no GOP malfeasance to turn that party into the cesspool it has become since the 1980’s. Alas, alas…
What’s your MBTI and DISC?
My present (online, quick test) MBTI score indicates “ISFP = Adventurer.” I don’t remember, but I don’t think I always scored this way.
My DISC scores were VERY HIGH under D, I, and S, but quite low under C, which surprised the heck out of the people I worked with when I served as executive secretary at Church For All Nations and would have surprised the VP I served at Warner Bros. I learned to do C-type work competently, but it is NOT at all native to me in the way D, I and S are.
Favorite documentary genre? Probably Interview and Dramatization. Observational rates right up there, too, though (natural history to include animal behavior, and the study of people/tribes/cultures).
Read books or listen to audio books? READ!
What small things in life do you appreciate? My response to this is, “What are the ‘small things in life?’ you refer to?” I can’t call heartfelt, casual conversations with friends a small thing, although others might. I guess I need to know what you consider a “small thing” for me to respond to this in a more complete way.
Update: Hannah responded, “I guess for the ‘little things in life’ question, what are some things people don’t always notice but make you happy?
Okay, here’s a short list:
Celestial: sunrises, sunsets, full moons, shooting stars, longest day of the year, shortest day of the year, manmade satellites that can be seen with the naked eye…
Terrestrial: traffic lights that change to “go” as I’m approaching them (I still look both ways, though, when that happens!), traffic lights at Christmastime because the blue, yellow and green in them appear season-perfect, deer, possums, baby mice and rats, baby goats, (heck, pretty much baby anything!), hot chocolate made with milk (raw goat milk, if possible)… I guess that’s a decent-size list. (If I think of more, I’ll come back and add them!)
Cake or ice cream? Oh, my! Chocolate cake, I guess. (But I buy fudgsicles most often.) I do my best to keep high-fat, high-calorie treats out of my home.
Which season is your favorite? Spring, closely followed by early autumn (fall).
If you could create your own country, what would it look like? Krisanistan would invite visitors and citizens who celebrate diversity and inclusion. There would be no cult-like or separatist behaviors. It might end up being a cross between Disneyland and a commune or kibbutz. Kinda like Shangri-La in the musical LOST HORIZON! (Good luck with that, huh?!)
Failing that, Costa Rica without the humidity or the USA without all the rascals!
What does your perfect day look like? Spring weather, surrounded by one to three friends, cooking s’mores over an outdoor campfire in a national park somewhere singing ROW, ROW, ROW YOUR BOAT. (Remind you of anything in particular, Trek fans?) DeForest Kelley (NOT McCoy) and Mark Twain would be two of the three friends, if resurrecting loved ones is permissible for this imagined “perfect day”.
Would you rather be locked in an abandoned insane asylum for the night or have a scorpion somewhere in your house, but you don’t know where (your pets cannot be harmed)? If the insane asylum is truly abandoned (not residual poltergeists) I’d choose that. But if the place comes with pelting ghosts, I’ll take my chances with the scorpion.
What are your pet peeves?
Bigotry and/or insensitivity to another sentient being’s plight in any form (animal or human).
People who don’t take sufficient care to spell things right (two frequent examples: well-known iconic names like DeForest Kelley and Gandhi) and people who use words interchangeably (there/their/they’re, to/too/two, then/than, further/farther, anecdote/antidote, etc.) As a wordsmith, it drives me NUTS to see people making a hash of my beloved language.
What’s something that will always make you happy, even on the saddest days? My pets, my friends (pets and friends are the only families we get to choose for ourselves), and my memories.
Thank you, Hannah McCrane, for your diligence is coming up with insightful questions to ask!!!
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