Long Time No Write — And a Request!

Long time, no write (here at this blog site, anyway.)
To be sure, I haven’t been inactive as a writer: I’ve just been writing on my copywriting business website.
Not copywriting topics, though.
I’ve been writing about my critters, and my recent panniculectomy surgery, and politics, and COVID… the usual cornucopia of topics I covered when I was writing here most of the time.
But since I sell fewer books than I do copy, content, and features that I write for business owners and entrepreneurs (sadly), I need to be where I can make the most money. (Not being JK Rowling, Stephen King or another well-known superstar writer, that isn’t here at this site, sadly … and predictably!)
But maybe with Star Trek’s 55th anniversary happening this year, I will get more sales of my Kelley and Hollywood books.
Of course, that will require landing some 55th anniversary interviews.
I usually get pretty busy during milestone Trek anniversaries.
We’ll see what happens this year.
DeForest Kelley’s 100th Birthday Came and Went without Much Fanfare
I expected to get real busy during De’s centennial birthday in 2020, but then COVID came calling and the gigs I had lined up there evaporated as most of us hunkered down to try to outlast the scourge, which still rages because enough of us didn’t hunker down, so now we have a strain that is threatening to overwhelm our healthcare system and kill millions more people around the globe. (Don’t even get me started on that. There’s plenty about that on my WordWhisperer.net blog.)
On his blog, I’m supposed to be writing about authorship, or my favorite literary topics.
At KrisandKritters.com, I’m supposed to be writing regularly about animals. But it has all been happening at WordWhisperer.net recently. That needs to stop! Otherwise, it looks like my other blogsites have been abandoned. Which they kinda have, because I haven’t been diligent about keeping the topics in their proper pews… GRRR! That’s on me!
But for now, I’ll just ask those of you who read this to reach out to your favorite Star Trek, sci fi, and/or western podcasters and radio stations and suggest that they consider having me as a guest during Trek’s 55th anniversary. If I can land several of those this year (a couple every month would be even better) I know my book sales would pick up and that would be a huge help.
But the most significant thing that would happen …
… is that more people would find out about discovering a heretofore unknown source for DeForest Kelley information. There are a lot of new fans of De’s who want to know what he was really like as a human being, and my books are dedicated to showing them exactly that, so his legacy will extend beyond what he did as an actor.
He was so much more than Dr. McCoy or any of his other portrayals. He was a salt of the earth human being, akin to Mister Rogers but sassier and saltier in some ways. He was universally and uniformly kind, compassionate and considerate. He was a true gem of the earth. I want people to know that who wonder about him. I want to take them by the hand and show them, chapter and verse, just what a magnificent human being he was.
That’s my primary goal, even if I never sell another book. And interviews are the way to do that.
PLEASE HELP ME LAND SOME INTERVIEWS (radio, podcast, magazine, etc.)
I’ve been interviewed for Star Trek Magazine and StarTrek.com but it has been years. A return visit may be just what the Doctor ordered for Trek’s 55th!!!
I sold an article about De’s western career to Cowboys and Indians Magazine on Trek’s 50th anniversary. A return visit there would be timely.
Who do you know in the entertainment industry that you could send an IM to via Facebook, pointing them to this website so they can find out more about me and what I can bring to the table?
Please put on your thinking cap. It’s best if others reach out than if I do. If I do the outreach, it appears self-serving, you know?
And again: it really isn’t about me, it’s about De.
My heart and head want people to know more about De than they already do…
This is a six volume series…
I’ve been on this quest to let people know more about De for a very long time… Here’s proof!
TV STAR PARADE January 1969 (the year I graduated from Cle Elum High School)
Please do what you can to get the word out about me during Trek’s 55th.
Who knows if I’ll even still be here for Trek’s 60th!
There are no guarantees in life!
Thank you!
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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!