King’s Books Appearance in 13 Days

Kris at Seattle Convention ’06
All is in readiness for my King’s Books appearance on November 10th:
- I have a Powerpoint Presentation to play in the “lobby” as folks are coming in; it’s mostly silent except for the five-minute August TV interview
- I have a sufficient number of books for the event (Hopefully I have even a few extra, because on November 15th and November 21st my books and I will be on display at two other additional venues.)
- I have the banner
- King’s Books is already featuring the book poster and they have sufficient flyers for people to pick up as reminders
I’m a little nervous. This is my first ever reading/signing event. I’ve been to King’s Books to assess the lay of the land and meet sweet pea and the crew, and I feel great about the venue. Independent book stores that “look the part” thrill me. King’s Books is one of those.
Creative Colloquy, King’s Books, Destiny City Comics, Tacoma Weekly and the Tacoma News Tribune are all touting the event on their calendars and in social media. I have no idea how many people their outreach attracts; my events page has attracted nearly 30 people, but fewer than ten have committed to attending from it. And one of the confirmed attendees lives in Connecticut and is an administrator on the event page, so he won’t be attending–not that he doesn’t want to; it’s just that I’m way out west and he’s on the eastern seaboard. If time, distance and cost weren’t an issue, he’d be here! So those of you who live nearby really have no excuse! (Hey, if a guilt trip will work, I’m not above putting you on the road to experiencing one! HA HA HA HA!) I know at least one attendee is coming all the way from Everett, which is one heck of a drive… That’s amazing to me! Hopefully he’ll bring friends so the trek to and from is more fun than it will be otherwise!
Please help me get the word out about this event! The Facebook event page is at Point your Tacoma-area friends to it, or have them call me at two five three four seven four six two four zero. Area code two five three.
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