I’ve Been Two-Timing You

If it seems I’ve been two-timing you, it’s true. I’ve spent more time over on my HireMe.WordWhisperer.net website and blog than I have here recently, I think.
That’s because I don’t often have a lot of topical information or insights for my professional copy/content/features-writing and editing blog. But two things came up recently that were germane and, the rest of the time, I’ve been editing or writing for clients, so my free time has been limited and, as a result, this blog has suffered. (So has KrisandKritters.com. I hope to remedy that situation real soon, too…)
So, my apologies!
One thing that happened as a result of spending some time at the professional site is that I saw it with new eyes and realized how well-written it is.
Not necessarily the blog posts, which I write without a lot of additional care and self-editing, but the pages that tout my writing services.
I took a lot of time with them, but that was two or more years ago, so there’s been a lot of water under the bridge since then. As a result of the distance, revisiting them was something akin to running across someone else’s website for the first time–and I was impressed!
I explained my various services very well but did it in a way that seemed I was explaining them across the table with a good friend. So my professional services site is a soft place to fall. It really showcases my writing abilities and does me proud!
But back to two-timing…
My goats and cats probably think I’ve been two-timing them, too. I’m usually more involved with them than I have been recently. Oh, I always take good care of them as far as their basic needs go, but I haven’t been terribly hands-on with them for a couple weeks. Too busy indoors pounding on this keyboard, plus I’ve been dog-sitting for three days for my sister and nephew and niece while they’re on a church retreat somewhere up near Mount Rainier.
I’ve all but abandoned Facebook and the other social media platforms during this time, too… Oh, well! There’s no time like the present to do my best to catch up!
I’ve been rehabilitating a pigeon whose tail feathers were yanked out and whose wing was injured by a cat. It (I won’t say “he” or “she” because I don’t know its gender) is just about ready to get airborne and fly free again. It is flapping both wings, going from branch to branch in its cage, and eating like a horse. It came to me half in shock but within a day or two (with electrolytes in its water and a warm, dry, darkened place to recover) it was “attacking” me with its beak for being so “fresh” as to reach in and replenish its water, take out its poop and refresh its pigeon food. I reckon it’s illegal to hold a wild one in captivity for as long as I have with this creature, but I figured I could give it more peace and quiet than taking it to a rehab place where it would be competing with other wild critters for attention, and I’m not sure rehab places will even bother with a pigeon, so I didn’t want to risk it.
I’ve also been watching The Waltons almost every night. I’m on season six now. What a delightful show. The writing is still top-quality, six seasons in. I tear up a time or two just about every episode. And it’s amazing how topical the stories remain, several decades later. Nazis, propaganda, sleazy politicians (on occasion); environmental concerns, family dynamics, etc.
The Waltons reminds me of DeForest Kelley (it was one of his favorite shows, too) and of De’s personality and kindness. Sometimes it almost seems like I’m revisiting a lost world, where squabbles were resolved with a few words, a few tears, and a hug that brought the combatants back into the family fold…
My mom said, more than once in her late 60’s (where I am now), “I’m getting too old for this world.” I suppose she was noticing the same things two decades before 911, Donald Trump and overt white supremacists took the stage in a display that has other countries (and the vast majority of Americans) recoiling, shaking our heads and wondering, “How did we get from RFK and MLK Jr., from Barack Obama and Joe Biden (kindly leaders) to this at the speed of light?”
I’m glad De and Mom and Earl Hamner aren’t here to see it. I wish I weren’t. My faith in the perfectability of man and this republic has plummeted.
It’s a sad time…
But let’s get off that subject! It leads me to despair, the last stop just before depression and I don’t want to go there today…or any day, for that matter!
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