In 2017 Much Will Change–Kissing You Goodbye in Advance!

No this isn’t a suicide note. Relax!
When I look at 2017 after January 20th (Inauguration Day) I could feel nothing but dread, but I’m beyond that now. My stomach has finally settled. I perceive the inevitable–no matter how nauseating–and I’ve entered the acceptance phase; that is, I’m accepting the all-but-inevitable result of the USA’s 2015-2016 election season: we’re all doomed–you, me, your kids and grand kids, my goats and cats and friends. Even if you don’t live in the USA, you got gored–possibly mortally.
And that sucks, it really does, but it is what it is…
Unless a progressive and humane movement manages to pull a huge rabbit out of its hat in 2018 (if we survive that long), we’re screwed, blued, and tattooed with the overwhelming stench of racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, plutocracy, oligarchy, and other autocratic, paternalistic nonsense.
But with the saber-rattling going on in North Korea (not far enough from where I live in a military-defense-heavy region–the first place where Asian enemies will strike!) and the Kremlin having helped influence the last election to their liking, and the American-Russian verbal nod to building additional nuclear weapons (like we don’t have enough already to ensure Mutually-Assured Destruction several times over world wide), I can’t even feel certain we’ll make it to midterm elections in two years.
But today I’m officially putting all of this outside my to-do list when it comes to writing. I can’t live comfortably posting ever-present insights about the precariousness of our situation. Pondering them just wears me out and gets me nowhere, like rocking feverishly in a rocking chair… Pondering them depresses me. That doesn’t help, either.
So since none of us will know when the exact moment will arrive if it’s nuclear–and if it’s nuclear, it better not be announced in advance; the powers that be better leave us entirely in the dark so we can die peacefully, without terror, in the moments before we’re incinerated–I’m saying goodbye and I love you now. I will keep blogging ’til the end (I’ll have to be dead not to write!), but I’m finished talking about what’s brewing, boiling, and blistering in the world. I’m too old to be losing as much sleep over this as I have been. I’ll be dead soon enough anyway: I’m almost 66. (I lived during the era I loved best; what’s coming next ain’t it!) I want the time I have left to be focused on uplifting, pleasant things. Like Kris and Kritters. Like remembering DeForest Kelley and what grace (unmerited favor) felt–and feels–like. And so much more that doesn’t involve man’s inhumanity to man, and animal, and planet.
We brought what is about to happen to our globe on ourselves. We made our bed and we’re going to have to die in it. I’m referring to (so-called) first world societies (you know, the “civilized” societies with the deadliest weapons) when I say “we brought it on ourselves” because we’re the ones who make all the rules. We fucked up. We never learn. We’ll go extinct and take everyone else along with us, ego-maniacal ass hats that we are.)
And frankly…good riddance. If all the powers-that-be use their brains and balls for (not to mention most of our advanced technology) is discovering new ways to successfully rape and pillage Mother Earth and her inhabitants (animal and human), we deserve to fail as a species. We deserve to perish from the cosmos, and the sooner the better!
God, I really do sound like Mark Twain in his later years now…
So here’s what will be happening in the New Year for me.
No more political blogs, memes or tirades. It’s up to you to stay informed and work to make the changes we need toward a more peaceful world. I’m done educating and publicly fretting for you. What happens next is on you… and on me in other, less-public ways.
I’ll vote. I’ll stay informed…you should, too…but I won’t write a blog that drags you, kicking and screaming or not, into the world you live in and are leaving for your children and grandchildren. Lucky for me, I don’t have kids or grand kids and I couldn’t be happier, because I don’t have to try to explain to them what the hell we were thinking (and doing) to allow the world to get into the unmitigated FUBAR mess it is in.
To those of you who will be relieved that I’m getting off my political hobby horse, I hope to heaven you’re getting ON yours. Because somebody has to do it. Someone younger, whose future stretches out for you (war-mongers and God willing!) beyond ten years.
One parting thought:
“You know you’ve created God in your own image when [you presume that] he hates/condemns the same people/’sins’ you do.”
In 2017 my voice will be used to bless people with smiles, significant sighs, and memories to cherish. I’m dropping my righteous indignation to sow seeds of peace and loving kindness for as long as the earth and you are here to nurture them and help them grow.
I do hope you’ll follow me at when it goes live in January and right here for news and information about my books, DeForest Kelley, and other insights, recommendations, reviews and reflections.
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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!
I’m absolutely with you! My goal is to stay politically informed and active when I can make a difference, but I’m done with fretting and thinking about this incessantly. It is not good for any of us. I will continue to promote civil rights by being the best teacher I can be and showing my students that there is hope for their futures. I will use social media to share my artwork and spread a message of creativity and love. I will make and send more cards this year! #chooselove