Our national nightmare isn’t over until the Senate votes (not a happy thought, since it’s GOP-heavy until the next election), but at least it’s on the record–and will be for all time—that DJT has spent significant amounts of his time (I’m being generous here by not writing “most of his time”) in the Oval Office abusing the power of his position. He has been impeached by the House of Representatives. He isn’t gone (yet) but at least he’s still alive to realize that his time at the helm will be viewed by future generations as the travesty it is, and the travesty he has made of his entire life.
Call it schadenfreude (the enjoyment one gets on occasion from another’s misery or misfortune), but he has taken the same joy from the misery he causes other people, so I’m naming it and claiming it as equal time. Those of us who have followed Trump’s career and seen his recurring habit of scamming, screwing and shaming other people and his Mafia-like dealings with his “enemies” are happy he’s finally getting his just comeuppance.
I’m NOT happy we’ve had to do this to a sitting Oval Office holder. I am happy that this particular office holder will not always get away with treating the world like his own personal oyster. He cares about no one other than himself. His cult-like followers and sycophants don’t seem to see this reality (or won’t acknowledge it, or else they actually support his depravity and many may be guilty of it themselves), but it’s there to see for all who have their eyes open.
But wait! There’s more!
This scumbag is sitting in the Oval Office (which is now the Offal Office until he and his minions are locked behind bars and his executive orders rescinded) right now probably tweeting about how “unfairly” the world treats him.
He should look in the mirror and acknowledge how unfairly he has treated the world.
What goes around comes around.
Nobody is above the law.
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