I’m Not Ignoring You…Really!

I’m not ignoring you…really! I’m just super busy right now writing other things–for several new clients, an old client, and a couple of existing clients. All of a sudden, I’m in great demand. Which is a good thing because it keeps me from thinking about Election Day next Tuesday, so my tummy feels a lot better. I’m busy working on things I can control!
I’m dedicating the balance of my writing time this month to creating a slew of blog posts for my upcoming animal-related blog. I’m personally changing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) to NaBloWriMo (National Blog Writing Month) so I’ll have scores of blog articles when the site debuts in early January.
So far I have 6500 words down. To “win”, I need to write a total of 50,000 words by the end of November. Unless I get waylaid by other project work, that’s totally do-able; that’s fewer than 1500 words per day. I’m averaging 2500 words per day on the new blog alone. And don’t worry: I will be posting a few previews of the new blog here before then so you can decide if you want to subscribe and tell others about it…
I’m also thinking about next Thursday’s gig at King’s Books in Tacoma, doing my best to imagine and anticipate a truly terrific evening with the people who will be traveling in to see and hear me. Some are coming from as far away as Everett, so I want to make sure it’s worth their time.
I take my responsibilities very seriously when people gather to spend time with me. I’m aware that they could be doing many other things. The fact that they’ve carved out space for me in their lives means the world to me. I want to be sure they know that and feel the love!
This week sometime, Cowboys and Indians Magazine is sending me a check for the article I wrote for them. They’re also sending me some swag: a Cowboys and Indians logo’d mug and a couple complimentary copies of the issue that my article appears in (the NOV-DEC issue). That’s good because I want to get another one laminated. The one I laminated last week has wrinkles in it because I messed up when I taped the two pages together. I won’t tape them this time…
I think that’s about it for this time. I have to get back to writing about animals!
Have a wonderful weekend!
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