I’m at 32,595 Words So Far for Kris and Kritters


Overnight I thought of three more animal-related stories to add to my upcoming Kris and Kritters blog–so I added them this morning. The word count for the document now is 32,595 so I have, essentially, a year’s worth of blog posts “in the can” to roll out every Saturday in 2017. I’m getting very excited about sharing them with you. I know you’ll love them…


I’m doing weekly previews until then every Saturday right here at Yellow Balloon Publications so you can decide if you want to saddle up and ride along with or not between now and January 7th. I’m already getting positive feedback and a few comments about readers’ interactions with animals, so that’s promising!


I also have some interviews lined up with animal advocates, including Dr. Ned Buyukmihci, who has been at the forefront of Veterinarians for Animal Rights since the 1980’s. I met him while working at the Animal Protection Institute in Sacramento CA in the 80’s. He loved my book Let No Day Dawn that the Animals Cannot Share (the 1980 edition; it has since been expanded and is available in a far nicer version) and called me, in tears, to let me know. That was a first! Tippi Hedren (Shambala.org) later did the same thing–not crying, but extolling the virtues of the book to the moon and back. You can hear her comments if/when you buy the audio version of DeForest Kelley Up Close and Personal, plus another fun voicemail that she left me during the 90’s when I was car-hunting… I’d like to get an interview with her, too, and with Joyce Tischler with the Animal Legal Defense Fund.


Who else would you like me to interview via a Q&A or some other method? Let me know!  Jane Goodall would be a real catch! Penny Patterson, too (Koko’s “mom”).


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Kris Smith

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