I Don’t Understand the GOP at All


I don’t understand the GOP at all.


Or perhaps I understand the talking heads of the GOP (and their flunkies on Fox and Christian television and radio) only too well. It appears, now, many of them have been in bed with Russia, too, and they’re afraid if Trump gets investigated, they’ll be caught in the dragnet that will expose an extensive web of deceit and treachery bordering on treason.


That’s the only way I can make sense of the GOP’s refusal to place the man in a nursing home where he can no longer harm anyone and stand as the ultimate figurehead of fecklessness.


There comes a time when principles over party should come into play. 


The time has come scores of times in the past three years, on both sides of the aisle. When voters get locked out of the decision-making as to who we want to see running as candidates, something is very wrong!  And this has been the case for far too long already.


But the current batch of reigning GOP politicians (Trump, Pence, Ryan, McConnell, Cruz, Paul, Huckabee Sanders, et al) is beyond the pale. Treason comes to mind when I listen to their fawning and to their explanations/clarifications/excuses for Trump’s latest outrage.


They know Donald Trump is a loose cannon–corrupt to the core; a sexist, racist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic and mentally challenged wannabe tyrant–and yet they hesitate to impeach him (even to protect him from himself–let alone the rest of us!) because he has a cult of followers. Not as many as they fear he has, I’m quite sure, but they need every vote they can legitimately get because their efforts to disenfranchise voters who won’t vote for them isn’t yet complete, and they know they can’t compete on ideas, issues and policies because everything they espouse screws literally everyone except for the oligarchs,  plutocrats and corporations that buy their fealty with money and other perks.


I’m so frustrated that Congress hasn’t done something to end the misery. I  know justice takes time, but can’t they put him on administrative leave until what Mueller has been finding out about him–and his dealings and his minions–is completed? Everyone he hired should be put on administrative leave, too, until the truth is ferreted out and known. Russian interference in the last election is no longer a theory; it’s a proven fact. Russia had a big hand in putting these people in power–and Trump is financially beholden to Russia. They have the goods on him. He’s a puppet.


There is simply too much circumstantial evidence to allow Trump and his minions in the White House and Congress to keep enacting laws that will handicap us as a nation for decades to come. Mueller already has 187 criminal indictments and there are already prison sentences for some of Trump’s minions; I have no doubt there will be more.


This is a national–no, a global–crisis. When will the GOP put on their big boy pants and deal with it?  Or will they hem and haw and stew and fret until they, too, wind up being found out as co-conspirators and convicted saboteurs?


During the Joe McCarthy era, the GOP was frantic to expose Russia and Communist party members. Now it seems they want to hide them and give them aid and comfort…


I don’t understand…


Further reading: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/7/19/1781793/-Abbreviated-pundit-round-up-Trump-treason-talk-soars-democratic-socialism-s-visionary-realist?detail=emaildkre

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Kris Smith

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