How (NOT) to Get Attention

How (NOT) to Get Attention
I sense a pattern here.
When it comes to getting attention and responses on Facebook, I get the most feedback from friends when I post something about DeForest Kelley, politics, critters, having surgery, or risking my neck.
This is NOT good because the sole common thread– the one thing that connects them all — is intense emotion/passion. And because these are hard-to-sustain topics!
Now that the election is over, I don’t want to dwell as much on how the sausage is made in Washington D.C. or State. I want to turn to more uplifting, fun, and less angst-producing topics.
DeForest Kelley, bless his heart and long live his legacy, is dead (Jim), so there’s no more to add about him that I haven’t already published in my various books about him. (Although at times I’ll flash on a memory, a brief conversation, or an insight that may or may not have made it into my books, so I’ll add that in a blog post.)
When it comes to surgeries, I’ll hopefully only be having one more (a panniculectomy in 2021 when COVID settles back down or enough of us have a vaccine on board to keep me safe enough to spend a night in the hospital), so that topic will be exhausted, too, before I know it.
That leaves critters and risking my neck–and I don’t actually ever set out to risk my neck. I’m not by nature a huge risk-taker (except for my choice of career).
I knew I was taking a moderate risk when I decided to push the yard waste barrel without closing the lid first (DON’T DO THAT EVER!!! I HAVE ADDITIONAL PHOTOS FROM FRIENDS WHO DID THE SAME THING AND THEY CAME OUT EVEN WORSE THAN I DID!!!), but I didn’t set out to risk my freaking brain and body! It just kinda happened… so no, I won’t be seeking additional ways to kill or injure myself. You can take that to the bank!
As for critters… I have another blog site for that,
So… what else are you dying to know about me or my life? Are you curious about anything I haven’t written about to date? I would love to hear it.
No question is off-limits. You can ask me about anything at all that you’re curious about. I’m absolutely serious, here. But make it something that I can answer in a public forum, in this blog.
I do reserve the right not to answer on the rare occasion when I get a question that will embarrass the hell out of me–haven’t heard one yet, though!!!– but I will answer all the ones that won’t get me fired by my writing clients or incarcerated for TMI! (I don’t drink or take drugs, so you can eliminate those topics right now.)
Go for it!
If I get nothing in response to this, I will consider myself a washed-up has-been… and I will request pre-humous eulogies and sympathy cards instead of questions.
(Pre-humous is the opposite of posthumous: an award or honor bestowed too early – i.e., before the recipient has performed the requisite meritorious acts – as opposed to too late – i.e., after the recipient has died. — Urban Dictionary)
So, put on your thinking cap and come up with something to ask me, please. Otherwise, I’ll give you an even more daunting chore! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!