Hear Me Reading Excerpts from ‘Floating Around Hollywood’


Tonight I recorded videos of me reading excerpts from ‘Floating Around Hollywood’ in response to a request I received while I was at lunch with a longtime friend this afternoon.

The Facebook video interface is kind of glitchy, as you’ll see.

The middle one is the best recording. Facebook seems to have behaved commendably during that one.

I have no idea why the others are glitchy. I did the exact same thing with all three readings. If they drive you crazy to watch, just close your eyes and listen. That’ll work, too…)

Go figure!



“They Call Me Walrus Woman”


“The Oreo Cookie Affair”


“When You Wash Upon a Star, People Think You’re Quite Bizarre”

Please feel free to share this blog post with your humor-loving friends!  T’is the season and they might want to surprise someone (or even themselves) with a copy of Floating Around Hollywood. That would be terrific!!!

This is the place to get books I wrote. Click on the BOOKS radio button and you’ll be whisked away to book excerpts, book reviews, and book descriptions. Many of these titles can be bought for a song if you opt for the PDF versions, which are all in FULL COLOR (unlike the soft cover versions). Kindle versions are also in full color.

Did I have fun writing this book? You bet’cha!  It has been a long time since I picked it up and read it again, so it’s fresh and new to me, too–which made recording excerpts a kind of “out of the author’s body” experience for me!!!

I hope you have as much fun reading ‘Floating Around Hollywood’ as I had writing it!  My other mostly-humorous title is ‘DeForest Kelley Up Close and Personal: A Harvest of Memories from the Fan Who Knew Him Best,’ so if it’s humor you’re after–some of it laugh-out-loud humor–‘Floating Around Hollywood’ and ‘DeForest Kelley Up Close and Personal: A Harvest of Memories from the Fan Who Knew Him Best” are your two best options on this website, for sure!

There is some humor in all of the books, of course, but I wrote these two especially to tickle funny bones…and tug at your heart at times, too…

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Kris Smith

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