Hannah Has Me Working Overtime!

Hannah McCrane Has Me Working Overtime!
(Because she poses truly intriguing questions that exercise my brain.)
Give Hannah a task, and she gets it done! I bet she’s an amazing employee, student and go-getter!
(I asked FB friends to ask me some questions, and Hannah delivered in spades!)
If you could go back to school for free, what would you study? Psychology and illustration drawing. Psychology because I’m fascinated by what makes people tick. I’ve read a lot about psychology, normal and abnormal, and find is all very intriguing. Illustration drawing because I’m in awe of people who can do that, people like Nina Alicia Martinez, Mark Monlux, and other folks I know.
I won an art contest as a teenager by drawing a black and white portrait of Jerry Lewis, but I just never did much drawing after that. It’s one talent I suppose I could have capitalized on more.
Oh! And I’d take improv and acting lessons, too. Maybe even singing lessons. I loved the few stand up routines I wrote and presented at Star Trek conventions, even though I shook in my shoes the entire time I performed them. (I’m a writer because “writing is show business for shy people.” There’s a ham in me but he’s quite shy!)
I’ve taken several public speaking classes at community colleges to “get over” looking like a deer in headlights on the rare occasions when I’m asked to speak from a stage or podium. Practicing the art of public speaking has saved my bacon lots of times in the past!
Have you ever had any recurring dreams? Yes. Several. One was about looking for Myrtle (the Kelleys’ desert tortoise) in back yards before I truly met and became friends with the Kelleys. In this dream, I had a message from DeForest to give to Carolyn but he had neglected to give me their home address so I was in So Cal neighborhoods looking for their turtle in back yards. This dream evolved a lot until we actually connected, but the theme was essentially the same. I never had it again after meeting them and Myrtle and becoming friends with them.
I had other recurring dreams about the Kelleys before I became friends with them, too. These involved sitting in living rooms and just shooting the breeze with them, very family-like. These dreams came true!
I also have recurring dreams about my serval son Deaken. They are either very soothing or very distressing.
The soothing ones are about us reconnecting and my running my fingers through his fur while listening to his purr and heartbeat.
The distressing ones are about finding a breach in his compound fence and worrying if he got out and, if so, was he okay, or did someone get in and either hurt him or get hurt by him. Usually I was worried about him getting hurt in these dreams.
And when I have occasional dreams of going over a cliff in a car, I always float or fly, so I never worry when I have those anymore…
Another recurring dream is where I find myself at a convention, wondering where De is, or if he’s feeling well enough to interact with his fans. I’m very solicitous in these dreams, wanting to be sure he does what’s best for him (because he was such a giver, sometimes to his own detriment).
What is your secret to staying motivated? Hmm. I can’t say for sure. I’m just a usually upbeat person who has a lot to share, but I’m shy and isolated, so my communications come out through my fingers and keyboard. I love to write and interact in this way. It’s my favorite form of communication, so I don’t need any help to stay motivated to do it.
Sometimes I just need topics, questions, or comments to give me a foundation to begin. Coming up with my own topics isn’t always easy because I’m not sure what else anyone wants to know about me, or the way I think or interact with the world. That’s why QUESTIONS are great. They get me thinking!
According to my cousin, kids either like space or dinosaurs – which did you like better? When I was a kid, I was all about animals I could actually interact with, so horses, cats, dogs, frogs, snakes, salamanders, birds, etc. Neither dinosaurs nor space came into my consciousness until later as we headed toward the moon — and of course Star Trek, which was a positive version of sci-fi back in the day when most sci-fi was about space invasions and fearful encounters.
Do you believe in MBTI? If by this you mean the Myers-Briggs personality evaluation tests, yes. I also believe in the DISC Personality Profiling test. Both were accurate about me, at least. But then so was the numerology test… and the astrology test!
But I do think the MBTI and DISC tests are scientifically designed and do a good job of describing the different personality types and how to interact when you’re with someone who doesn’t share your identical personality pattern.
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