Good Morning, World!

Good Morning, World!
I’m in an uncharacteristic, pre-Trump mood this morning.
It has been a long time coming. I haven’t felt this up or positive since before the 2016 election.
This is what life used to feel like to me and literally millions of others. Sure, we had our challenges, but they didn’t seem as ponderous as having The Orange One pontificating from the Oval Office like the incessant whine of a bloody-thirsty, insanely annoying mosquito in our ears every second of every day.
I feel lighter, younger, happier — almost giddy. And there is nothing to account for it. President Dump still there; so is the unrepentant GOP, a consortium of rapacious locusts whose interests apparently trump the rest of ours. Because lobbying. Because they want MORE money. Because they don’t care about anyone or anything other than their own circle of sharks.
I just think the American people have their number now and that things will get better. Hell, things have to get better, if we’re going to survive as a species–and as a viable planet.
And if things don’t get better, and if we don’t survive because of obstinate, short-sighted, environmentally-insensitive policies and saber-rattling with other equally-insane despots?
Frankly (and sadly), that will be a win for the environment and for every other living species here that manages to survive.
We humans have been absolutely lousy stewards of this beautiful blue planet. We don’t deserve it. If we allow the powers that be to fuck it (and us) up even more, and we lose it all, I think the universe (if it’s conscious, or if it contains consciousness in other places, which I’m sure it does) will breathe a huge sigh of relief. Isn’t that sad? Isn’t that pathetic? We have so much potential for good as a species, but we’re not uniformly activating it in ways that can truly help us survive. Instead, we have to expend our time and energies putting out the fires that are lit very day by Congress critters and oligarchs!!!
But I’m going to refuse to be morose moving forward. It is what it is. We do what we can do to stop the insanity–but if it isn’t enough, we live with (or die by) the consequences. That’s cause and effect. We (and the powers that be) know how to define cause and effect, but we refuse to acknowledge it and realize that it affects us. (Because we’re divine, you know. God has our backs. He will rescue us from the brink–from the muck and mire we’ve made of His glorious creation.) (As a Christian, I’m utterly appalled by this far-right, hypocritical malarkey!)
Until whatever “the end” looks like, I’m pledging to remain alive, active, loving, compassionate, forbearing and positive. I’m going to focus on what’s good about this life, even though I’ll have to look outside religion, politics and the human beings who are (in facetious quotes) “representing” us in the halls of Congress and in the highest office in the land. Our “leaders” are failing us (with very few exceptions). I’m going to help the ones who are helping us and hope everyone else will figure out who they are, too.
Follow the money, honey. Who’s pockets are being filled by lobbyists and corporations? Who’s career-long political actions have been consistently (documentably) in service to the common good? Look at your representatives’ voting records after hearing what comes out of their mouths. I think you’ll find major discrepancies between what they’re telling you to your face and what they’re doing when the votes are being counted or the policies crafted. (Need an example? Here you go! Thank you, Jimmy Kimmel.)
Am I mad and morose again, after having written this? Not at all. I’m just documenting this public warning and hoping you’ll take the steps necessary to avert the catastrophes that loom ahead. Register to vote. Attend rallies. Stand up for yourself in every way you can. Stand up for your loved ones who can’t stand up for themselves for whatever reasons.
Don’t go down without a fight–but keep putting flowers into the barrels of your oppressors. Only love can drive out what’s driving them. Remain humane. Be a light in this world–not a part of the present darkness.
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