Dumping (On) Trump

For the people who think I’m dumping on Trump relentlessly, here’s an explanation that should satisfy both sides of the aisle:
For anyone who has researched the legitimate, unvarnished history of Donald Trump, no explanation is necessary to reach the conclusions I have about the man.
He is decidedly amoral, as opposed to immoral.
An immoral person recognizes his depravity and carries a sense of shame about it (e.g., Ted Bundy).
An amoral person completely lacks morality and has no negative perspectives about his behaviors, perspectives and attitudes: whatever he feels like doing, he does because there’s nothing inside him telling him “this is wrong… this is unwise… this is dangerous…this will hurt someone else…”
He has a long history of defrauding contractors, racism, misogyny, revenge, and failure to apologize or express regret or accept responsibility when something goes wrong.
He appears to be a case of arrested development. He mirrors the behavior of children during the Terrible Twos, when defiance, temper tantrums, belligerent arm-crossing and stubbornness come to the fore.
For those of you who think he’s just what America needs, I do want to say that, when I’m not feeling outraged by just about every action and utterance he makes (which is most of the time), I find myself wondering what is medically or mentally aberrant with him that makes him the nightmare he is.
Amorality aside (which is cause enough to be disenchanted by him), what else is going on that makes him increasingly erratic?
Plenty of psychiatrists have deemed him a malignant narcissist.
(Kernberg described malignant narcissism as a syndrome characterized by a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), antisocial features, paranoid traits, and egosyntonic aggression. Other symptoms may include an absence of conscience, a psychological need for power, and an out-sized sense of importance/grandiosity).
But there appears to be even more going on than that.
Others have said he’s exhibiting the mental and physical posture of someone with frontotemporal dementia posture. His actions also mirror victims of the disease.
According to the Mayo Clinic, the most common signs of frontotemporal dementia involve extreme changes in behavior and personality. These include:
- Increasingly inappropriate social behavior
- Loss of empathy and other interpersonal skills, such as having sensitivity to another’s feelings
- Lack of judgment
- Loss of inhibition
- Lack of interest (apathy), which can be mistaken for depression
- Repetitive compulsive behavior (incessant tweeting–check!)
- Changes in eating habits, usually overeating or developing a preference for sweets and carbohydrates
So, these days I segue between feeling livid and sorry for the son of a bitch.
I don’t know why the people around him aren’t taking him in hand and getting him the help he needs so he isn’t a constant embarrassment to everyone who’s watching the fiasco unfold.
The thing about Donald Trump is that his position in our government demands our attention.
And watching him in action is like motoring past an unfolding auto accident, where you hate to look, but you keep snatching quick glances, hoping the people involved have survived, but you’re pretty sure–based on the wreckage you’ve seen–that they can’t possibly be alive any longer.
I don’t want Donald Trump to die. I just want American voters to realize that this man and his sycophants are no good for the country or for the world.
The people around him don’t even care enough about him to demand that he get the care and medical attention he needs–they’re too busy positioning themselves to ascend the throne he thinks he’s sitting in to do that–and they sure don’t care about us any more than he does, or he wouldn’t have chosen them to serve in his administration. That much is certain!
Donald Trump is the most dangerous man on the planet. He should not be in a position of power. He doesn’t have the morals or the mentality to make prudent decisions. He never has and he never will. It’s all downhill from here. It can’t get any better.
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