My First From-Scratch Drip Campaign is Doing Well


A gentleman who has known me by my online reputation only referred me to a fellow in Canada who wanted a drip campaign. This fellow wanted to get lapsed customers back into the fold and to get prospective customers to come and try out his service.

He said he had been writing emails for a while and had about a 1% open rate. He was hoping for a 2% or slightly better open rate.

I’ve written three e-letters so far and the open rate, he tells me, is 15%.



I don’t know what it is, but 15% to 30% pops up a lot for me when I ask clients to tell me about their open rates for the stuff I write for them.

It kind of blows me away.

I mean, I know I’m a good writer, and I understand the psychology of sales. But it still boggles my mind that I’m able to deliver results like this.

I keep thinking, “This isn’t rocket science.” But maybe it is. Maybe I’ve been at this writing thing for so long that I’m a freakin’ wonder!

But all I do is write the way I’d talk to someone. Sure, I give the copy some thought after I’ve put it down on paper, but I don’t have to change much after the first draft to think, “This is pretty good now. Let’s see what the client thinks and how well it converts for him/her.”

Ka-ching ka-ching.

I should raise my rates,  I guess. But I’m doing fine and having fun and choosing my clients, so… if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it?

Truth to tell, this was my first-ever drip campaign that I’ve written from scratch (not editing/enhancing someone else’s existing copy) and I’m not even half way through it but this client is already getting results.  (A single conversion would pay for an entire drip campaign in this case, so his ROI ought to be robust!)

That’s phenomenal! I’m delighted for him!

And I’m beginning to believe I’m a freakin’ miracle worker!!!


In Other News:

I got this email today from Teryl McLane at Scholastic Books Fairs. I’d walk on the ceiling if I could get there:

“Without exaggeration you are the best copywriter I’ve ever worked with…and I’ve worked with many. You are not only fast, talented and reasonably priced, but you are a joy to work with and know. I know I tell you this all the time, but you have made my life vastly better. My husband would gladly buy you dinner for making it so that I can actually get home at a reasonable hour some nights.” Teryl McLane, Scholastic Book Fairs April 4, 2018

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Kris Smith

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