Auction is LIVE and ONGOING

Last week the first thirteen items of De’s clothing went up for auction on ebay, and I’m DE-lighted to report that several fans are just about to become very happy, because they won the auctions and the items are being shipped to you as I type these words.
Congratulations to those who won items. There will be more clothing offered as the weeks pass, usually every other week, so keep your eyes out at to be sure and get the proper URL that takes you directly to the collection at ebay.
In addition to clothing, there are other items available, too: action figures, mugs, commemorative plates, and more. Right now we’re thinking about posting autographed De photos, as well as unsigned ones. I went through my archives yesterday and the day before and pulled out scads of 8 x 10 photos of De, signed and unsigned, including some of him in westerns.
One fellow in Europe wanted inscribed photos (not just autographed ones), so I sold him four. Three were inscribed to me and one to my Dad. He also got a number of De’s items of clothing via the auction. I won’t name him because he may not want to be identified. That’s why I figured out that it might be a good idea to list my photos on ebay.
I haven’t done that before because signed Kelley photos have been selling too low for their actual value. (And sadly, some offered on ebay are fraudulent.) Now that people know they can get genuine articles from me, they may decide to spend a bit more to ensure they’re getting actual signed photos. I don’t have more than a couple dozen signed photos left in my archives, I don’t think (although I haven’t sat down and counted them) and I’m in no rush to sell them. Some of the ones I had in the past I gifted to special Kelley fan friends. (You know who you are!)
I know two other people who got clothing, too, but I won’t name them — again, because I’m not sure they want to be identified — at least until their items arrive, in case porch pirates are online looking for insights as to who to “visit” over the next few days.
I also have scads of notes, cards and letters from De and Carolyn. Those are probably worth something to true Kelleyphiles, but I haven’t offered them for sale yet.
Anyway, Shambala and the North Shore Animal League are going to be getting donations in memory of De and Carolyn pretty soon. (I have pledged to donate a portion to the causes the Kelleys held most dear, in their memory and honor.) I will also find a worthwhile Native American cause to donate to. (Any suggestions, readers?) I know De was an American Indian advocate and always thrilled when natives honored him in some way. The roadrunner pin he wore to many conventions was given to him by a Native after De did his best to outrun him (director’s prank decision!) instead of letting the fellow bring him down faster and easier. I sure wish I knew what happened to that roadrunner pin (and to his pinky ring). I hope one of his nephews got them. They were both very precious to him and should rightfully belong to family members! If I had been in charge of things after Carolyn passed away, I would have made sure they got those items. Alas, I was not… and I don’t know who was.
Anyway, his fans are going to be getting what I managed to salvage from Carolyn’s ordered purge of De’s clothing. Having them go to a thrift shop after I’m gone just doesn’t sit well with me, because they would be anonymous then. NOT ON MY WATCH!!!
Among the next items that will go up for auction (if I recall right) will be these:
This is a photo of De in the above sweater
The cowboy shirt that De is wearing in the header photo sold in the last auction.
Stay tuned in if you want some De Duds!
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Which I am going to say right now. Thank you!