Day Two of De-cluttering

I’m on a roll. This is Day Two of de-cluttering.
It feels so good to see spaces and places opening up that were previously occupied by stuff that I haven’t looked at in years.
The recycle bin ( a big’un) is 3/4 filled with the papers I’ve purged. I had to stop filling it because pick up day is two weeks away and we need to have room in it for the usual household paper waste.
I tried to go to sleep at a decent hour but then decided to corral all of my stuffed animals (about 15 of them) and put them up on a shelf where they will stay until the bedroom carpet is replaced (hopefully within a couple months).
I went into my business files and purged the stuff I don’t need anymore, opening up an entire drawer. Two of the lower drawers are filled with tax return info in case I ever get audited, but otherwise, that cabinet could be empty except for one drawer. (It’s a tall metal, four-drawer filing cabinet.)
When I finally got into bed for the final time last night, my body was beat but my mind was still in Christmas Tree Mode, planning ahead to what I can do today and in the next few days to get ready for the upcoming workers.
The two rooms I’ve been in so far look completely transformed. The small filing cabinet here in the work room got emptied out, so I was able to lift it atop the other small cabinet in the closet and fill it with the reams of paper I had stashed in a box. So, I’ve been consolidating. I don’t think I’ll need to take the stuff out of the tiny closet in here so that’s where I placed most of the stuff that was in the room but not serving me on a daily basis.
I had a 4′ x 3′ area of my work room laden with stuff I’ll either give away to friends or family or donate. I moved that stuff to the garage and set up my trade show table to display it there. It’ll be easier to rummage through that way, and whoever’s doing the rummaging won’t be breathing in my space while they do it. Win/win. They get free stuff, I get to stay isolated!!
Luckily, Jackie’s away right now so setting up the table and carrying the stuff there was easy. Her car is gone for as long as she is.
Today’s Rant
I shopped this morning during special hours (when high-risk shoppers are encouraged to shop) at Albertson’s on Canyon Road in Puyallup (our area, Central Pierce, has one of the highest occurrences of COVID-19 in the county) and was appalled to see a 40’ish woman walking around grabbing stuff without a mask on. It pissed me off royally.
I don’t think she realizes that we wear masks to protect the people we’re shopping with, not ourselves (unless we’re wearing N 95 masks). So there she was grabbing stuff, going the wrong way down one way aisles, and then standing in line with compromised people asking if we minded if she shopped for a couple more items before resuming her place in line. The unmitigated gall! (Probably a staunch Sean Hannity fan and Trump cultist.)
The store was so anemically populated with workers that I knew it would probably do no good to complain, but I personally wanted to throttle her for coming in at that hour to shop with compromised citizens without giving a rat’s ass about them. T’was all about her and her rush to get in, around, and out of the store unmasked.
I’m amazed the greeter at the door didn’t turn her right around and send her out the door… Isn’t that what they’re there for?
So, because she was near me far too much of the time, as soon as I got home I washed my mask, and before I touched the steering wheel of my SUV I soaked my hands in hand sanitizer, and then washed them again when I got home and after handling the plastic bags. I felt “infected” by her ridiculous display of “don’t really give a shit about anyone but myself.”
Working some more on de-cluttering helped me over my snit about her. I don’t wish COVID on anybody, but if anybody ought to get it, it should be people like her who don’t think of anyone but themselves. But of course she’ll just carry it to someone else who isn’t an ass hat, and that’s what makes me livid…
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