Complaint-Free World Update




My Complaint-Free World bracelet is amazing in so many ways! It has revolutionized my life already.


Wearing it, I’m far more cognizant of what comes out of my mouth these days, and of what’s inside my mind that causes me to want to complain over things that either cannot be changed (one example would be other drivers’ rude or erratic/risky behaviors) or that I won’t willingly and actively take the steps to change.. so why complain about them?


I’ve always been positive and optimistic. What this bracelet does is make me more pro-actively positive and optimistic–that is, to go after the changes that will lead me ultimately to the destinations I’ve plotted for myself.


So, for example, I’m reaching out for more writing work without bellyaching about the many ways in which “reaching out” involves drudgery, fear, pain, or what-have-you. By not complaining–or exiling the complaining that usually accompanies putting one foot in front of the other toward a goal–I find all of my energy freed to get down to business and just “get ‘er done!”


Although I have never, ever been one to procrastinate, an attribute that many admire and wish they could emulate (I always beat deadlines, arrive early, and do whatever else it takes to get anywhere “on time”), I have been known to just plain say no to many opportunities that would enhance and advance my goals because of my shyness and a totally ridiculous sense of inadequacy.


What is that all about?! Heck, if I had the utter confidence of any of the people running for President of the United States–some of whom are incapable of serving honorably and adequately in the highest office in the land–I would have long since been sitting in the catbird’s seat of whatever realm I want to be a major player in, because if I’m anything, I’m tenacious. (That’s stubborn in a positive way!) . The Presidential candidates certainly haven’t let their inadequacies stop them, and look where they are today: Major Influences, win, lose or draw! And all of my intentions are honorable and non-mercenary/non-greedy, so why do I worry about inadequacy (or The Fraud Police knocking on my door)?


So this bracelet rests on my wrist reminding me that the only thing stopping me from achieving more is me and my willingness to step outside my comfort zone and focus on what’s do-able instead of the obstacles that stand between my goals and me. Do I elect to sit and complain (silently or with my mouth) or do I elect to focus on the next steps that will take me where I want to go?


I’ve elected to move forward–hence many of these nerve-wracking-for-a-shy-person actions: library presentations, radio, TV and podcast interviews, social media outreach, and other tried-and-true ways of finding and influencing my “tribes”: DeForest Kelley fans, animal lovers, self-help zealots, humor lovers, etc. The only thing I feel 100% “at home” doing is writing articles and blog posts! (I love whoever wrote, “Writing is show business for shy people.”) The other stuff sends me to bed to recover after doing them following the brief celebration and emotional uplift for having both survived them and done a better than adequate job, documented by the reality that I actually get invited back to engage again–WOO HOO and shudder; if this happens often enough for long enough, I hope to lose the shudder part of the equation!)!


As a result of my forward movement, I haven’t had to switch the bracelet in the past 48 hours. That’s two of 21 Days.  And my SUV is still broken down, and I’m still not comfortable financially…but since I’m taking the steps necessary to change those two things, there is no need to complain about them. They are goals to meet, not happenstances to grouse about.


This bracelet has given me a new lease on life, and it feels great. I’m totally, unabashedly in love with life again!

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Kris Smith

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